Table 2.
General features of studies included in the meta-analysis: 2. Treated uterine septum versus controls (untreated septum).
Study | Design | Period | Population | Exclusion Criteria | Sample Size; Case/Control | Outcomes | Cases | Controls | Follow-Up | Type of Hysetroscopy | Procedure/Metroplasty | Mode of Diagnosis | Method of Classification |
Heinonen et al., 1997, [34] |
Retrospective | 1962–1995 | Women who experienced recurrent abortions and/or infertility. Natural conception Recurrent miscarriage: one or more miscarriages |
N/A | 19/19 | Pregnancy rate Spontaneous abortion Preterm labour Live birth rate |
Women with uterine septum and subseptum who underwent hysteroscopic metroplasty. Septate uterus Subseptate uterus |
Septate and subseptate with no treatment matched by age, gravidity and type of uterine anomaly. |
Mean nine years (nine months—25 years) | 26-gauge resectoscope (Karl Storz). | Jones procedure and Tompkins procedure respectively in six and 14 cases. | Not reported. | Buttram and Gibbons (1979) [25] criteria |
Valli et al., 2004, [35] |
Prospective | 1990–2001. | Women who experienced recurrent abortions. Recurrent miscarriage: at least two miscarriages. Natural conception |
Women with bicornuate uterus. | 28/15 | Pregnancy rate Spontaneous abortion Preterm labour Live birth rate |
Women with uterine septum who underwent hysteroscopic metroplasty. Septate uterus |
Untreated women. | 36 months | Hamou hysteroscope (Karl Storz). | Resectoscope loop. Septum incision was performed until the underlying myometrial tissue. | HSC | AFS (1988) criteria [5] |
Ban-Frangez et al., 2009, [29] |
Retrospective | 1993–2004. | Women with uterine septum that underwent IVF or ICSI and had a singleton pregnancy (fetal heart activity by ultrasound demonstration) Infertile: Tubal factor Endometriosis Endocrinologic Male factor Idiopathic ART conception: IVF or ICSI |
Extrauterine pregnancies, multiple pregnancies and cases with an empty gestational sac. | 106/212 | Spontaneous abortion Preterm labour |
Women who had conceived after IVF or ICSI. Septate uterus |
Women without uterine anomalies with a singleton pregnancy after IVF or ICSI | - | N/A | N/A | 2D TV-US HSC |
AFS (1988) criteria [5] |
Lin et al., 2009, [36] | Retrospective | 1998–2007. | Complete septum (from fundus to vagina). Infertile: defined as unsuccessfully trying to conceive for at least 1 full year Recurrent miscarriage: at least two miscarriages. Natural conception |
Other abnormalities than utero- cervico-vaginal septum. | 21/15 | Pregnancy rate Spontaneous abortion Preterm labour Live birth rate |
Vaginal septum removal plus hysteroscopic resection of the uterus septum. Septate uterus |
Women that remained untreated. | Mean 18 months (six months—nine years) | N/A | N/A | 3D TV-US hysterosalpingography |
N/A |
Pang et al., 2011, [37] |
Prospective | January 2006 to March 2011. | Women with subseptate uterus and who have experienced recurrent spontaneous abortions (two first- trimester abortions). Recurrent miscarriage: at least two first-trimester Natural conception |
Only one spontaneous abortion. | 46/32 | Spontaneous abortion Preterm labour Live birth rate |
Women with uterine subseptum and who have experienced recurrent spontaneous abortion. Subseptate uterus |
Women with subseptate uterus and who have experienced recurrent spontaneous abortion not treated with hysteroscopic metroplasty. | 15 months | N/A | N/A | 3D TV-US | AFS (1988) criteria [5] |
Tonguc et al., 2011, [19] |
Retrospective | January 2006 to January 2009. | Patients with a uterine septum and otherwise unexplained infertility. Infertile Natural conception |
Patients who had a history of tuberculosis or endometriosis, endocrinologic problem, abdominal surgery, husband with mild or severe oligospermia at the spermiogram. | 102/25 | Pregnancy rate Spontaneous abortion Preterm labour Live birth rate |
Women with uterine septum who underwent hysteroscopic metroplasty. Septate uterus |
Patients who rejected the surgery. | 14 months | 26-Fr rigid hysteroscope (Karl Storz). | Incision of the septa at the lower margin and continued upward with a horizontal section from one tubal ostium to the other. | N/A | AFS (1988) criteria [5] |
Sugiura-Ogasawara et al., 2014, [38] |
Prospective | January 2003 to June 2009. | Women with a history of two or more consecutive miscarriages or one stillbirth and septate uterus. Recurrent miscarriage: at least two consecutive miscarriages Natural conception |
Patients with a bicornuate uterus. | 109/15 | Pregnancy rate Spontaneous abortion Preterm labour Live birth rate |
Women with uterine septum who underwent hysteroscopic metroplasty. Septate uterus |
Patients who rejected the surgery. | Present but Not specified | N/A | Transcervical resection (TCR) or a Jones modified metroplasty. | Hysterosalpingography and/or 2D transvaginal ultrasound were used as the initial screening. Laparoscopy/ laparotomy and/or MRI |
AFS (1988) criteria [5] |
Rikken et al., 2020, [39] |
Retrospective | January 2000 to August 2018. | Women with a history of subfertility, pregnancy loss or preterm birth. Infertile: defined as the inability to conceive for a minimal period of one year of trying to conceive Recurrent miscarriage: two or more, not necessarily consecutive Natural conception |
Women that do not have a wish to conceive at time of diagnosis. | 151/106 | Pregnancy rate Spontaneous abortion Preterm labour Live birth rate |
Women with uterine septum who underwent hysteroscopic metroplasty. Septate uterus Subseptate uterus |
Women who had expectant management. | Mean 46 months | 73 procedures performed with a Versa point device. 32 with scissors. 12 with electro-surgery. 34 unknown. | Intrauterine septum was completely removed. | Hysterosalpingography, 3D TV-US MRI saline or gel infusion sonohysterography or hysteroscopy combined with laparoscopy. |
AFS (1988)[5] and ASMR (2016) [6] criteria |
Whelan et al., 2020, [40] |
Prospective | July 2004 to May 2012 |
Women with recurrent early pregnancy loss, uterine septum diagnosed and one subsequent pregnancy. Recurrent miscarriage: two or more documented pregnancy losses before 10 weeks of gestation |
N/A | 21/11 | Spontaneous abortion Preterm labour Live birth rate |
Women with recurrent early pregnancy loss, uterine septum diagnosed and one subsequent pregnancy who underwent histeroscopic metroplasty. Septate uterus |
Women with recurrent early pregnancy loss, uterine septum diagnosed and one subsequent pregnancy untreated. | N/A | N/A | N/A | HSC 3D TV-US |
ASMR (2016) criteria [6] |
HSC: Hysteroscopy; TV-US: transvaginal-ultrasound; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging.