Table 3.
Qualitative feedback from participants about perceived changes in themselves as a result of engaging in ACT-SS.
I feel like I am more open, more receptive, and more understanding of others’ needs. |
I have better quality of life, I am doing more, leaving my house, and seeing people. |
I am not beating myself up. |
Positive changes. Willingness to try new things. Willingness to get out more. |
I am more willing to talk with family about things, even if it’s uncomfortable, and I am willing to listen more. I am more willing to step out of my comfort zone and do more social activities, reaching out to friends more and not giving up right away. |
I feel better about others and about myself. |
Increasing insight/self-awareness, stop trying with people who do not care or who do not put in as much effort as I do. |
I am allowing more self-trust. Allowing my feelings to come out. Life is not perfect. I am not perfect. Day to day recognition of where I am at and where I want to be. Letting go of negative thoughts. Not allowing anger to surface to the point that it is destructive. |
Recognizing more clearly how I got to this. What I resist will persist. Identifying an internal dialogue on why I do certain things. Stepping outside of myself and having to do things—doing things I do not want to do because I have to for myself and others. |