Fig. 2.
Highly illustrative microscopic images of the described cases: A low-magnification image showing tumor pushing borders and the thickened tumor capsule (hematoxylin–eosin, 4 × original magnification; tumor capsule is indicated with a black asterisk); B both tumors show the focal presence of hyaline globules (hematoxylin–eosin, 20 × original magnification); C some areas with “steatohepatitis-like” appearance are also present (hematoxylin–eosin, 10 × original magnification); D foci of foamy macrophages are encountered (black arrow; hematoxylin–eosin, 10 × original magnification); E, F beta-catenin nuclear positivity in both cases (E 20 × , F 10 × original magnification; in F, the normal pancreatic parenchyma with normal membranous staining pattern is indicated with a black asterisk); G Hep Par-1 demonstrated a strong and diffuse staining pattern (10 × original magnification); H CD10 demonstrated a strong staining pattern, with a typical canalicular enhancement (10 × original magnification)