Factor 1: Physical vitality
PHY1 |
I drink water throughout the day |
PHY2 |
I regularly eat healthy |
PHY3 |
I incorporate movement into my day |
PHY4 |
I have the physical stamina to do the things I want to do in my life |
PHY5 |
I feel well rested when I wake up in the morning |
Factor 2: Psychological vitality |
PSY1 |
I feel alive and vital |
PSY2 |
I nearly always feel awake and alert |
PSY3 |
I feel at choice in what thoughts I give attention to |
PSY4 |
I can focus even in highly distracting situations |
PSY5 |
I am able to maintain a positive outlook |
Factor 3: Emotional vitality |
EMO1 |
I am aware of my emotional state |
EMO2 |
I can influence my emotions when needed |
EMO3 |
I have the energy I need to manage my stress |
EMO4 |
I find time to relax and replenish my energy |
EMO5 |
I have the emotional stamina to face problems |