Hypotheses | Paths | Coefficients | t-values | Results |
H1: PUFVP | →ATTABR | 0.175 | 2.397** | H1: Supported |
H2: PUFVP | →ATTDOM | 0.312 | 4.475*** | H2: Supported |
H3: DTVP | →ATTABR | 0.225 | 4.161*** | H3: Supported |
H4: DTVP | →ATTDOM | –0.028 | –0.550 | H4: Not supported |
H5: RPVP | →ATTABR | –0.050 | –1.148 | H5: Not supported |
H6: RPVP | →ATTDOM | –0.088 | −2.122** | H6: Supported |
H7: PINC | →ATTABR | 0.244 | 3.928*** | H7: Supported |
H8: PINC | →ATTDOM | 0.377 | 6.271*** | H8: Supported |
H9: ATTABR | →INTABR | 0.642 | 16.696*** | H9: Supported |
H10: ATTDOM | →INTDOM | 0.530 | 11.826*** | H10: Supported |
Goodness-of-Fit Statistics: χ2 = 1734.158, df = 763, χ2/df = 2.273, p < 0.001, RMSEA = 0.046, CFI = 0.961, IFI = 0.961, and TLI = 0.958.
**P < 0.05, ***P < 0.01. PUFVP, Perceived Usefulness of Vaccine Passport; DTVP, Destination Trust for Vaccine Passport; RPVP, Risk Perception for Vaccine Passport; PINC, Perception of Incentives; ATTABR, Attitude toward the Use of Vaccine Passport for travel abroad; ATTDOM, Attitude toward the Use of Vaccine Passport for domestic travel; INTABR, Intention to travel abroad; INTDOM, Intention to travel domestically.