Algorithm 2. Categorization of Cloud Services |
Input: Customer Cloud Services Preferences with their Queries |
Output: Cloud Services Ranking |
Cloud Services Provider Main Categories [] = x1, x2, x3, … xi …, xn
Sub-Categories = cij
Cloud Services Ranking System [xi] = Nil |
Main Categories (mc) PaaS, IaaS, SaaS |
Sub Category [sc] Business Application Platform, Raw Computing Platform, Web Hosting, Databases, Open Cloud Platform, Web Application Platform, Application Hosting, Storage, Networking and Infrastructure Service Management. |
Cloud Services Mapping [xi] = yi
Learning Category [lc] New Category [nc]
Extract queries (Customer Cloud Preferences)
For each CSP List [xi] do //CSP = Cloud Services Provider
For each CSP Category [i] go
If EQ = CSP Description [i] //EQ = Extract Query
Bind Service Sub Category [ij] = EQ
Bind Cloud Services Ranking [xi] ∈ Service Main Category [mc]
Bind Service Sub-Category [sc] ∈ Service Main Category [mc]
CSM //Cloud Services Mapping
Function Cloud Services Mapping [xi]
For each in Cloud Category [xi]
Mapping Cloud Services [yi]
End For
If Service Sub-Category [ij] = match Then
CSRA [xi] For each Service Sub-Category [ij] //Cloud Services Ranking
Learning Category [lc] ∋ [sc]
Function Learning Category [lc]
End If
End For
If threshold > Max Sim [lc] Then
Bind CSRA [xi] ∈ Service Main Category [i]
Bind Main Category [xi] ∈ Service Sub-Category [ij]
If Threshold > Max Sim (nc) Then
Bind Register New Category [nc] ∈ Service Sub-Category [ij]
Bind Service Sub-Category [ij] ∈ Service Main Category [xi]
Learning New Cloud Category (nc)
Hold Learned Cloud Category (lc)
End If