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. 2022 Jun 12;14(6):1278. doi: 10.3390/v14061278

Table 1.

Distribution of Sosuga virus nucleoprotein antigen in selected tissues from SOSV-infected Egyptian rousette bats euthanized at 3, 6, 9 and 21 DPI.

DPI Bat ID Small Intestines Salivary Gland AxLN Spleen Large Intestinal GALT
3 283936 NP - + - NP
284049 - - + - -
284459 - - - - -
6 284509 - - ++ - -
284899 + + + ++ -
285146 - - - - -
9 287014 - - - - -
287253 - - - + -
287756 + - + + +
21 289338 - + - - -
289953 * + - + + +
290040 - - + - -
Control 290195 - - NP NP -
290494 - - - - -
290631 - - - - -

Abbreviations: DPI = days post-inoculation, AxLN = axillary lymph node, GALT = large intestinal gastrointestinal-associated lymphoid tissue, NP = not performed due to tissue limitations. IHC Scores: - = no staining, + = rare staining (<1 cell per 400× field), ++ = moderate staining (>2 cells per 400× field). * Indicates the supershedder bat identified during the serial euthanasia study [27].