Table 3.
Some standards limitations for PCDD/Fs (ppt TEQ) in different nations.
National | Standard Limitation | Comments | Regulation/Guideline Values | References |
US EPA Region 5 | 11 ppt 38.6 ppt |
PCDD in soil PCDFs in soil |
US EPA Region 5 ecological screening levels | [78] |
US EPA Region 9 | 39 ppt | Residential soil | US EPA Region 9 preliminary remediation goal for 2,3,7,8-TCDD | [79] |
China (Taiwan) | 1000 ppt | General soil | The standard limit—Taiwan EPA | [80] |
Vietnam | 100 ppt 300 ppt 1200 ppt |
Forest soil Agricultural soil Commercial soil |
National technical regulation on the permissible limit of dioxins in soil | [81] |
Finland | 500 ppt | Agricultural and residential soil | Finland Ministry of the Environment, Department for Environmental Protection |
[82] |
Sweden | 10 ppt 250 ppt |
Land with sensitive use, Land with less sensitive use and groundwater extraction |
Sweden Generic Guidance Value | [82] |
Netherlands | 10 ppt 1000 ppt |
Dairy farming Agricultural and residential soil |
The Netherlands Guidelines | [82] |
Germany | 5–40 ppt 100 ppt 1000 ppt 10,000 ppt |
Agriculture Landscape Residential soil Industrial soil |
Germany regulatory limit and recommendation | [82] |
New Zealand | 100 ppt 1500 ppt 18,000 ppt 90,000 ppt 21,000 ppt |
Agricultural soil Residential soil Industrial soil Industrial-paved soil Maintenance |
New Zealand Interim Acceptance Criteria | [83] |
Canada | 4 ppt | Alert soil | Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines | [84] |