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. 2022 May 24;10(6):278. doi: 10.3390/toxics10060278

Table 3.

Some standards limitations for PCDD/Fs (ppt TEQ) in different nations.

National Standard Limitation Comments Regulation/Guideline Values References
US EPA Region 5 11 ppt
38.6 ppt
PCDD in soil
PCDFs in soil
US EPA Region 5 ecological screening levels [78]
US EPA Region 9 39 ppt Residential soil US EPA Region 9 preliminary remediation goal for 2,3,7,8-TCDD [79]
China (Taiwan) 1000 ppt General soil The standard limit—Taiwan EPA [80]
Vietnam 100 ppt
300 ppt
1200 ppt
Forest soil
Agricultural soil
Commercial soil
National technical regulation on the permissible limit of dioxins in soil [81]
Finland 500 ppt Agricultural and residential soil Finland Ministry of the Environment,
Department for Environmental Protection
Sweden 10 ppt
250 ppt
Land with sensitive use,
Land with less sensitive use and groundwater extraction
Sweden Generic Guidance Value [82]
Netherlands 10 ppt
1000 ppt
Dairy farming
Agricultural and residential soil
The Netherlands Guidelines [82]
Germany 5–40 ppt
100 ppt
1000 ppt
10,000 ppt
Residential soil
Industrial soil
Germany regulatory limit and recommendation [82]
New Zealand 100 ppt
1500 ppt
18,000 ppt
90,000 ppt
21,000 ppt
Agricultural soil
Residential soil
Industrial soil
Industrial-paved soil
New Zealand Interim Acceptance Criteria [83]
Canada 4 ppt Alert soil Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines [84]