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. 2021 Nov 29;16(5):804–821. doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjab216

Table 1.

Cohort demographics and clinical characteristics.

Factor N Summary
Gender 62
 Female 24 [38.7]
Race 62
 Caucasian 57 [91.9]
 Hispanic 3 [4.8]
 African American 1 [1.6]
 Other 1 [1.6]
Family history
 UC 61 12 [19.7]
 CD 61 6 [9.8]
Smoking 59
 Never 58 [98.3]
 Current 1 [1.7]
Age at diagnosis 62 12.9 [10.8, 15.5]
EIM [non-exclusive] 62
 Any EIM 32 [51.6]
 Joint 6 [9.7]
 Anaemia 26 [41.9]
Disease extent of colitis
 Extensive colitis 59 59 [100]
Backwash ileitis present 61 13 [21.3]
Medications prior to colectomy
 Immunomodulators [at any time] 58 44 [75.9]
 Duration of immunomodulators [mo] 8.0 [3.0, 22.0]
 Anti-TNF [at any time] 57 37 [64.9]
 Duration of anti-TNF [mo] 8.5 [1.0, 18.2]
 Vedolizumab [at any time] 23 1 [4.4]
 Duration of vedolizumab [mo] 1
Disease duration at colectomy [years] 62 2.6 [0.9, 4.8]
Reason for colectomy
 Refractory disease 62 65 [100.0]
Medications at time of colectomy 62
 6MP 6 [9.7]
 AZA 7 [11.3]
 MTX 9 [14.5]
 Anti-TNF 14 [22.6]
Length of colorectum specimen [cm] 62 70.3 ± 18.5
Rectum included 62 24 [38.7]
Post-colectomy follow-up [mo] 62 1.0 [1.0, 2.0]

Values presented as mean ± standard deviation [SD], median [P25, P75], or N [column %].

CD, Crohn’s disease; UC, ulcerative colitis; EIM, extraintestinal manifestations; 6MP, mercaptopurine; AZA, azathioprine; MTX, methotrexate; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; mo, months; P, percentile.