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. 2022 Jun 23;22:692. doi: 10.1186/s12885-022-09736-5

Table 1.

Functional annotation clustering of 83 differentially expressed genes in gastric cancer. Analysis was performed with the highest classification stringency in DAVID (ECM: Extracellular Matrix, GOTERM: Gene Ontology Term, GOTERM BP: GO-biological process, GOTERM MF: GO-molecular function, and GOTERM CC: GO-cellular compartment, KEGG Pathway: Pathways listed in Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes)

Annotation Cluster 1 Enrichment Score: 7.26 Count Genes P-Value Benjamini
KEGG Pathway ECM-receptor interaction 12 COL1A1, COL1A2, COL2A1, COL3A1, COL4A1, COL5A1, COL5A2, COL6A3, FN1, SPP1, THBS1, THBS2 2.2E-11 1.6E-9
KEGG Pathway Focal adhesion 12 2.2.E-7 5.2E-6
KEGG Pathway PI3K-Akt signaling pathway 12 3.4E-5 4.0E-4
Annotation Cluster 2 Enrichment Score: 6.68 Count P-Value Benjamini
GOTERM BP DIRECT Negative regulation of growth 6



2.4E-8 3.1E-6
GOTERM BP DIRECT Cellular response to zinc ion 6 2.4E-8 3.1E-6
KEGG Pathway Mineral absorption 6 1.6E-5 2.3E-4
Annotation Cluster 3 Enrichment Score: 1.25 Count P-Value Benjamini
GOTERM MF DIRECT Oxygen binding 3 CYP2C18, CYP2C9, CYP3A5 2.0E-2 2.4E-1
GOTERM MF DIRECT Oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen 3 2.9E-2 2.9E-1
GOTERM MF DIRECT Monooxygenase activity 3 2.9E-2 2.9E-1
GOTERM CC DIRECT Organelle membrane 3 5.9E-2 3.2E-1
KEGG Pathway Retinol metabolism 3 8.1E-2 4.8E-1
GOTERM MF DIRECT Heme binding 3 1.3E-1 6.7E-1
GOTERM MF DIRECT Iron ion binding 3 1.6E-1 7.8E-1