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. 2022 Mar 18;119(11):179–187. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.m2022.0133

eTable 4. Linear fixed-effects models for change of GAD-7 (anxiety disorder) in the NAKO study during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020) compared to the previous period (2014–2019)*1.

M1 M2 M3 M4
b [95% CI] b [95% CI] b [95% CI] b [95% CI]
 Baseline survey Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
 COVID-19 survey 0.29*** [0.28; 0.31] 0.06*** [0.04; 0.08] –0.02* [–0.04; –0.00] 0.06*** [0.03; 0.08]
Occupational and financial changes during the pandemic
Change in employment situation
 Working – no pandemic-related change Ref. Ref. Ref.
 Working – change of job 0.42** [0.16; 0.68] 0.36** [0.11; 0.62] 0.38** [0.12; 0.63]
 Working – increased working hours 0.78*** [0.72; 0.85] 0.75*** [0.69; 0.82] 0.71*** [0.65; 0.77]
 Working – reduced working hours with short-time allowance 0.19*** [0.13; 0.25] –0.18*** [–0.24; –0.12] –0.20*** [–0.26; –0.13]
 Working – reduced working hours without short-time allowance 0.34*** [0.28; 0.39] 0.14*** [0.09; 0.19] 0.13*** [0.08; 0.18]
 Unemployed prior to Corona 0.64*** [0.55; 0.73] 0.59*** [0.50; 0.68] 0.52*** [0.43; 0.61]
 Unemployed due to Corona 1.11*** [0.89; 1.33] 0.69*** [0.46; 0.91] 0.66*** [0.44; 0.88]
 Inactive person (pension, retirement, study) –0.13*** [–0.17; –0.08] –0.14*** [–0.18; –0.09] –0.12*** [–0.17; –0.08]
Job insecurity
 High (ref.: “low or not employed“) 0.86*** [0.81; 0.90] 0.71*** [0.67; 0.76] 0.69*** [0.65; 0.74]
Working from home
 Yes, always or on some days (ref.: “No“) 0.32*** [0.28; 0.36] 0.32*** [0.29; 0.36] 0.28*** [0.25; 0.32]
Change in financial situation
 No change Ref. Ref.
 Improvement –0.13** [–0.22; –0.04] –0.15** [–0.24; –0.06]
 Deterioration 0.76*** [0.72; 0.81] 0.75*** [0.71; 0.80]
Model information
 R2 (intrapersonal) 0.008 0.028 0.035 0.062
 R2 (interpersonal) 0.000 0.035 0.043 0.150
 R2 (total) 0.002 0.030 0.037 0.118
Individuals (n) 161 787 161 787 161 787 161 787
Observations (n) 323 574 323 574 323 574 323 574

*1 Model 1: Main effect not adjusted; Model 2: main effect and occupational and financial changes; Model 3: additionally adjusted for financial strains;

Model 4: additionally adjusted for the following covariates: age, household composition, general health, SARS-CoV-2 high-risk contact and SARS-CoV-2 infection

Significance level: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001. The total R-squared value indicates the weighted mean of the explained variance between and within individuals.

b, adjusted regression coefficient; GAD-7, Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7;

CI, confidence interval; M, model; NAKO, German National Cohort Study; ref., reference category