Figure 3.
The antibody titers in control and vaccination groups determined via ELISA: (A) anti-FZ (FBA-Zm) titers; (B) anti-Cna titers; (C) anti-Plc titers. Antibody titers were determined using log10 (reciprocals of dilution folds of serum samples), which OD450 reached around 0.5 with ELISA. The recombinant FZ (chimeric FBA-Zm), Cna, or Plc proteins were used as coating antigens. EMCP = positive challenge control; Adj = adjuvant + EMCP challenge; NA = chimeric NetB and Plc; FZ= chimeric FBA and Zm; Cna = collagen-binding protein; Pooled = pooled NA, FBA, and Cna antigens. The * marks show statistically significant differences (* p ≤ 0.05; ** p ≤ 0.01; *** p ≤ 0.001; **** p ≤ 0.0001) when compared with the value in adjuvant (Adj) control group.