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. 2022 Jun 18;14(6):418. doi: 10.3390/toxins14060418

Table 1.

West Sub-Saharan Africa snakes categorized by the WHO as medically important.

Species Common Name Taxid Family 1 Cat. 2
Bitis arietans Puff adder 8692 V 1
Bitis gabonica East African Gaboon viper 8694 V 1
Bitis nasicornis Rhinoceros viper 8695 V 1
Bitis rhinoceros West African Gaboon viper 715877 V 1
Cerastes cerastes Horned viper 8697 V 1
Dendroaspis jamesoni Jameson’s mamba 8623 E 1
Dendroaspis polylepis Black mamba 8624 E 1
Dendroaspis viridis Western green mamba 8621 E 1
Echis jogeri Joger’s carpet viper 696809 V 1
Echis leucogaster White-bellied carpet viper 504457 V 1
Echis ocellatus West African carpet viper 99586 V 1
Naja haje Egyptian cobra 8639 E 1
Naja katiensis West African brown spitting cobra 409859 E 1
Naja melanoleuca Forest cobra 8643 E 1
Naja nigricollis Black-necked spitting cobra 8654 E 1
Naja senegalensis Senegalese cobra 862238 E 1
Atheris broadleyi 3 Broadley’s bush viper NA V 2
Atheris chlorechis West African bush viper 110216 V 2
Atheris squamigera Variable bush viper 110225 V 2
Atractaspis irregularis Variable burrowing asp 512568 L 2
Dispholidus typus Boomslang 46295 C 2
Naja annulata Banded water cobra 8609 E 2
Naja nubiae Nubian spitting cobra 186441 E 2
Pseudohaje goldii Gold’s tree cobra 1545503 E 2
Pseudohaje nigra 3 Black tree cobra NA E 2
Thelotornis kirtlandii Forest vine or twig snake 292880 C 2

1 Taxonomic families: V—Viperidae; E—Elapidae; L—Lamprophiidae; C—Colubridae. 2 Category of medical importance as stated in the WHO website. 3 These species did not have a taxonomy identifier and were thus excluded from this study. NA—not available.