Figure 2.
IL-6 and IL-10 promoter activation is deregulated by ORF6 protein. (a) HEK-293T (left panel) or A549 (right panel) cells were co-transfected with the interleukin-6 promoter-mediated firefly luciferase (pIL-6), along with the SV40 promoter-mediated Renilla luciferase reporter plasmids. Where indicated, ORF6, M58R mutant, or green-fluorescent protein (GFP) protein expression was achieved by transfection. Negative control (Ctr-) samples were transfected with empty plasmid along with reporter plasmids. At 48 h post transfection, firefly and Renilla luciferase activities were measured and compared to the relative control sample (Ctr-). Three (n = 3) independent experiments were performed and representative data are presented as mean logarithm values of relative luminescence unit (RLU) ± standard deviations. (b) The influence of ORF6 protein on pIL-10 activation was evaluated in both HEK-293T (left panel) and A549 (right panel) cells. Means of relative luminescence unit (RLU) logarithm values ± standard deviations are presented. (a,b) Significance was evaluated as p < 0.05 (*** p < 0.0005, ** p < 0.005, * p < 0.05, n.s. = not significant).