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. 2022 Jun 14;58(6):803. doi: 10.3390/medicina58060803

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Number of records identified by searching for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of TENS and pain: conducted on 31 March 2022. Search String: (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) AND (pain) Filters: Randomized Controlled Trial (“transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation” (MeSH Terms) OR (“transcutaneous” (All Fields) AND “electric” (All Fields) AND “nerve” (All Fields) AND “stimulation” (All Fields)) OR “transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation” (All Fields) OR (“transcutaneous” (All Fields) AND “electrical” (All Fields) AND “nerve” (All Fields) AND “stimulation” (All Fields)) OR “transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation” (All Fields) AND (“pain” (MeSH Terms) OR “pain” (All Fields))) AND (randomizedcontrolledtrial (Filter)). Note: These records have not been screened against eligibility criteria and will over-estimate the actual number of RCTs.