Figure 6.
Filopodia inducer drugs increase internalization of PsVs into HaCaT cells. Colocalization measured the amount of PsVs (red) that was trafficked to the early endosome (green). Confocal microscopy images of cells treated with virus and drug for 2 h. Cells treated with virus (A,A1), 200 ng/mL bradykinin (B,B1), 200 ng/mL EGF (C,C1), and 10 µM ML-141 for 2 h (D,D1). DAPI was used to stain cell nuclei (grey), H16.V5 antibody was used to stain L1 capsid protein (red), and EEA1 was used to stain for early endosome (green). Zoomed in images (A1–D1). Colocalization of PsVs and EEA1 appeared yellow. The JACoP plugin for ImageJ was used to measure the M2 coefficient (fraction of red overlapping with green) with six confocal Z-scans for each condition. Graph representation of colocalization of six confocal scans (E). Statistical difference was determined by an ANOVA Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (samples compared to control infection, n = 6, *, p < 0.5, ***, p < 0.001). Average was displayed with SEM.