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. 2022 Jun 24;17(6):e0269788. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269788

Table 3. Interview themes mapped to COM-B sources of behaviour.

Themes Sub-themes COM-B sources of behaviour (in bold) and Intervention functions (Michie et al, 2011) Multi-component intervention
1 The harmful patient experience persists, with consumer insights not leveraged to
effect change
Feeling invisible Capability (psychological)
Education, training, enablement
Education of staff
Education and training of inserters
Education of patients
Risk and anticipation of failed PIVC Attempts Opportunity (social)
Restriction, environmental restructuring, enablement
DIVA identification (e-health record)
Inflexible processes which don’t consider patients’ needs Opportunity (physical)
Restriction, environmental restructuring, enablement
2 ‘Escalation’ is just a word on the front lines Providing day-to-day care for DIVA patients Motivation (reflective)
Education, persuasion, incentivisation, coercion
Education of staff
Audit of insertion success per ward
Reliance on “have a go’ culture Motivation (reflective)
Education, persuasion, incentivisation, coercion
Education of staff
Audit of insertion success per ward
Forced to inset PIVCs in an environment lacking resources and support Opportunity (physical)
Restriction, environmental restructuring, enablement
DIVA standard of care and guidelines
3 Heightened risk of insertion failure without resources and training Awareness of the benefit of a DIVA pathway Motivation (reflective)
Education, persuasion, incentivisation, coercion
Education of staff
Audit of insertion success per ward
Education and equipment to support a skilled workforce Capability (psychological)
Education, training, enablement
Opportunity (physical)
Restriction, environmental restructuring, enablement
Education of staff
Bedside US equipment etc
Inserter role and accreditation clarity Opportunity (physical)
Restriction, environmental restructuring, enablement
Initial and ongoing competency
4 Paving the way forward–‘measures need to be in place to prevent failed insertion attempts System approach including protocols Capability (psychological) (physical)
Education, training, enablement
Point-of-care resources and tools–evidence-based DIVA assessment and pathway tool; videos, example scenarios
DIVA identification processes Capability (psychological)
Education, training, enablement
Capability (physical)
Training, enablement
Opportunity (physical)
Restriction, environmental restructuring, enablement
Simulation training sessions and clinical skills assessment
Peer training models
DIVA standard of care and guidelines
Evidence-based DIVA assessment and pathway tool

DIVA = Difficult intravenous access; PIVC = Peripheral intravenous catheter.