(A) Structural comparison of ecPRPS models in type A and type B polymers, Legionella pneumophila PRPS (6NFE), human PRPS1 (2H06), Bacillus subtilis PRPS (1DKU) bound with phosphomethylphosphonic acid adenosyl ester and methyl phosphonic acid adenosine ester, and Bacillus subtilis PRPS (1DKR) containing sulfate ion. (B and C) Structure comparison of ecPRPS models in type A polymers and human PRPS1(2HCR). Ligands of the active sites and allosteric sites were displayed in (B). In the structure of human PRPS1(2HCR), AMP occupy ATP binding sites, SO42+ and Cd2+ bind in the R5P binding region. SO42+ can also be seen in the allosteric site 1 and allosteric site 2. In the structure of ecPRPS hexamer in type A polymers, ADP and Mg2+ occupy ATP binding sites, R5P and Mg2+ bind in the R5P binding region. Pi bind in the allosteric site 1, and ADP can be seen in the allosteric site 2. (C) Structure comparison of the allosteric 2 in ecPRPS type A polymers and human PRPS1. The residues that interact with ligands are indicated. Residues in the human PRPS1 structure number with the ’ symbol.