a) Biological and technical replication (experiment 2, right graph) of the scRNA-seq experiment depicted in
Figure 1 (experiment 1, left graph). For experiment 2, CD45
+ tongue leukocytes were isolated from female mouse tongues (pool of n=10) and 8151 cells were sequenced using the Chromium Single Cell 3’ Reagent Kits v2. Experiment 2 data was integrated with the existing adult data of experiment 1 to allow population comparison. (
b) Heatmap representing the top 10 marker genes for all detected clusters. Data is derived from experiment 1 shown in
Figure 1. (
c) SingleR results for the annotation of cell clusters. Note that cluster 6 cells showed similarities to CD11b
+ DCs from Immgen (
http://immgen.org/). (
d) GSVA analysis of the cDC1 and cDC2 signature genes as defined in
Schlitzer et al., 2015. Red indicates cells with higher enrichment scores for the signature genes compared to blue. (
e) Heatmap of genes involved in axon guidance. Shown are the normalized read counts in tFOLR2-MF (cluster 0) and tCX3CR1-MF (cluster 5).