Table 1.
Clinical, demographic, and vaccine-related features of the 13 patients with post-COVID-19 vaccination Guillain-Barrè syndrome.
Pt # | Sex, Age (yrs) | Comorbidity | Vaccine type | AEFI | Vaccine to onset (days) | Onset to hospital (days) | Onset to therapy (days) | Back pain | Deep tendon reflexes | Sensory symptoms | Ataxia | Cranial nerves | Dys-autonomia | Respiratory failure |
1 | M, 68 | None | OAZ 1st dose |
Muscle pain | 12 | 20 | 21 | Yes | Areflexia, UL & LL | Distal paresthesia, LL | No | Bifacial paresis | No | No |
2 | F, 71 | Diabetes, hypertension | PBT 1st dose |
Asthenia | 10 | 12 | 19 | Yes | Hypo-reflexia, UL & LL | Distal paresthesia, UL & LL | No | 3rd & 6th paresis | No | No |
3 | F, 40 | None | PBT 2nd dose |
Muscle pain | 4 | 4 | 5 | No | Areflexia, LL | None | No | 7th & 9th paresis | No | No |
4 | M, 89 | Atrial fibrillation, chronic ischemic heart disease | Mod 1st dose |
None | 15 | 13 | 19 | Yes | Areflexia, UL & LL | Paresthesia, hands & tongue | No | None | Unstable blood pressure | Yes |
5 | M, 65 | Psoriasis | OAZ 1st dose |
Headache | 15 | 1 | 5 | No | Hypo-reflexia, UL & LL | Distal paresthesia, LL | No | Bifacial paresis | No | Yes |
6 | M, 80 | Atrial fibrillation, hypertension | PBT 2nd dose |
None | 21 | 7 | 8 | No | Areflexia, LL | Distal paresthesia LL | No | None | No | No |
7 | F, 69 | None | OAZ 1st dose |
None | 17 | 4 | 8 | Yes | Hypo-reflexia, UL & LL | Distal paresthesia, UL & LL | No | None | No | No |
8 | M, 18 | Type 1 diabetes | PBT 1st dose |
None | 12 | 2 | 4 | No | Hypo-reflexia, UL; areflexia, LL | Distal paresthesia, LL | No | None | No | No |
9 | M, 57 | Hypertension, obesity | PBT 1st dose |
Fever | 5 | 19 | 20 | No | Areflexia, LL & UL | None | Yes | None | No | No |
10 | M, 64 | None | OAZ 1st dose |
Abdomino-pelvic rash | 15 | 90 | 120 | No | Areflexia, LL | Distal paresthesia, LL | No | None | No | No |
11 | M, 88 | Type 2 diabetes, chronic ischemic heart disease | PBT 2nd dose |
None | 15 | 75 | 90 | No | Hypo-reflexia, LL & UL | Distal paresthesia, LL | Yes | None | No | No |
12 | F, 73 | None | OAZ 1st dose |
None | 5 | 90 | NA | No | Hypo-reflexia, UL; areflexi, LL | Distal paresthesia, UL & LL | No | None | No | No |
13 | M, 51 | None | PBT 1st dose |
None | 4 | 60 | NA | No | Hypo-reflexia, UL; areflexia, LL | Distal paresthesia, UL & LL | Yes | None | No | No |
Pt, patient; yrs., years; F, female; M, male; OAZ, Oxford-Astra-Zeneca; PBT, Pfizer-BioNTech; Mod, Moderna; AEFI, Adverse events following immunization; UL, upper limbs; LL, lower limbs; NA, not applicable (no therapy).