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. 2022 Jun 25;76(2):93–106. doi: 10.1016/j.rie.2022.06.001

Table A1.

Data Used in Regressions.

City (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Flu-related excess death rate 9/18–2/19 Relative peak flu-related excess death rate NPI School closings Public gatherings
Albany 1.25 6.92 0.129 0.090 0.038
Atlanta 0.79 3.30 0.240 0.112 0.049
Baltimore 1.43 7.84 0.118 0.071 0.047
Birmingham 1.38 2.82 0.132 0.071 0.060
Boston 1.58 5.33 0.137 0.071 0.066
Buffalo 1.19 6.35 0.134 0.077 0.058
Cambridge 1.18 5.60 0.134 0.071 0.063
Chicago 0.85 5.40 0.186 0.000 0.107
Cincinnati 1.01 3.51 0.337 0.173 0.164
Cleveland 1.09 4.22 0.271 0.063 0.077
Columbus 0.71 3.65 0.403 0.186 0.216
Dayton 0.94 5.02 0.427 0.093 0.222
Denver 1.42 2.83 0.414 0.219 0.093
Detroit 0.67 4.09 0.077 0.030 0.047
Fall River 1.40 6.18 0.164 0.088 0.077
Grand Rapids 0.47 4.02 0.170 0.044 0.077
Indianapolis 0.66 3.22 0.225 0.104 0.066
Kansas City MO 1.35 2.94 0.466 0.205 0.115
Los Angeles 1.14 3.14 0.422 0.290 0.132
Louisville 0.93 4.22 0.397 0.162 0.162
Lowell 1.15 5.66 0.162 0.082 0.079
Milwaukee 0.63 3.13 0.362 0.107 0.148
Minneapolis 0.62 3.26 0.318 0.156 0.148
Nashville 1.38 6.13 0.151 0.071 0.079
New Haven 1.32 4.49 0.107 0.000 0.107
New Orleans 1.65 5.59 0.214 0.112 0.101
New York 1.03 4.71 0.200 0.000 0.000
Newark 1.20 4.53 0.090 0.052 0.038
Oakland 1.17 5.09 0.348 0.110 0.088
Omaha 1.27 3.48 0.384 0.077 0.118
Philadelphia 1.69 7.93 0.140 0.077 0.063
Pittsburgh 1.78 3.89 0.145 0.068 0.077
Portland OR 1.13 2.82 0.444 0.101 0.096
Providence 1.28 4.35 0.115 0.060 0.055
Richmond 1.13 5.33 0.164 0.082 0.082
Rochester 0.84 4.65 0.148 0.074 0.074
San Francisco 1.50 5.14 0.184 0.101 0.082
Seattle 0.93 2.92 0.460 0.099 0.101
Spokane 1.04 3.82 0.449 0.189 0.181
St. Louis 0.81 3.66 0.392 0.200 0.192
St. Paul 0.91 3.25 0.077 0.033 0.044
Syracuse 1.24 6.36 0.107 0.058 0.049
Toledo 0.68 4.43 0.279 0.142 0.137
Washington DC 1.40 5.42 0.175 0.088 0.088
Worcester 1.39 4.88 0.121 0.060 0.060

(6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
City Quarantine Public-health response time, PHRT Flu-related gross death rate, Sep-Feb 1910–16 Distance from Boston Population 1910
Albany 0.000 0.008 0.186 0.169 100.3
Atlanta 0.079 0.000 0.208 1.076 154.8
Baltimore 0.000 0.027 0.230 0.401 558.5
Birmingham 0.000 0.025 0.220 1.182 132.7
Boston 0.000 0.036 0.220 0.000 670.6
Buffalo 0.000 0.033 0.160 0.455 423.7
Cambridge 0.000 0.038 0.196 0.003 104.8
Chicago 0.079 −0.005 0.222 0.983 2185.3
Cincinnati 0.000 0.005 0.182 0.869 363.6
Cleveland 0.132 −0.005 0.134 0.640 560.7
Columbus 0.000 0.014 0.148 0.763 181.5
Dayton 0.112 −0.014 0.156 0.833 116.6
Denver 0.101 0.025 0.172 1.972 213.4
Detroit 0.000 0.027 0.166 0.707 465.8
Fall River 0.000 0.027 0.216 0.053 119.3
Grand Rapids 0.049 0.047 0.090 0.837 112.6
Indianapolis 0.055 0.019 0.152 0.936 233.6
Kansas City MO 0.145 0.000 0.162 1.410 248.4
Los Angeles 0.000 0.014 0.120 2.983 319.2
Louisville 0.074 0.016 0.166 0.969 223.9
Lowell 0.000 0.030 0.194 0.030 106.3
Milwaukee 0.107 0.014 0.132 1.074 373.9
Minneapolis 0.014 0.016 0.134 1.391 301.4
Nashville 0.000 0.003 0.244 1.105 110.4
New Haven 0.000 0.060 0.238 0.138 133.6
New Orleans 0.000 0.019 0.228 1.526 339.1
New York 0.200 −0.030 0.206 0.215 4767.9
Newark 0.000 0.027 0.176 0.225 347.5
Oakland 0.151 0.011 0.128 3.089 150.2
Omaha 0.189 0.003 0.146 1.435 124.1
Philadelphia 0.000 0.022 0.182 0.308 1549.0
Pittsburgh 0.000 0.019 0.294 0.572 533.9
Portland OR 0.247 0.011 0.090 3.088 207.2
Providence 0.000 0.052 0.198 0.051 224.3
Richmond 0.000 0.019 0.216 0.556 127.6
Rochester NY 0.000 0.008 0.146 0.392 218.1
San Francisco 0.000 0.030 0.148 3.095 416.9
Seattle 0.260 0.014 0.080 3.039 237.2
Spokane 0.079 0.003 0.110 2.762 104.4
St. Louis 0.000 0.003 0.196 1.171 687.0
St. Paul 0.000 0.096 0.106 1.383 214.7
Syracuse 0.000 0.052 0.154 0.312 137.2
Toledo 0.000 0.005 0.132 0.754 168.5
Washington DC 0.000 0.027 0.172 0.440 331.1
Worcester 0.000 0.041 0.192 0.043 146.0
(11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
City Area Population Density 1910 Flu-related excess death rate 1/18–4/18 All-cause excess death rate 9/18–2/19 Relative peak all-cause excess death rate 9/18–2/19
Albany 10.8 9.29 −0.03 0.83 6.26
Atlanta 25.7 6.02 0.61 0.43 2.90
Baltimore 30.1 18.55 0.43 0.98 5.75
Birmingham 48.3 2.75 1.42 1.00 2.18
Boston 41.1 16.32 0.42 1.39 2.68
Buffalo 38.7 10.95 0.27 1.10 4.28
Cambridge 6.3 16.63 0.35 1.24 2.58
Chicago 185.1 11.81 −0.22 0.65 4.79
Cincinnati 49.8 7.30 0.39 0.88 2.62
Cleveland 45.6 12.30 0.37 1.11 2.06
Columbus 20.3 8.94 0.22 0.59 2.30
Dayton 15.7 7.43 0.12 0.62 5.07
Denver 57.9 3.69 0.27 1.20 2.25
Detroit 40.8 11.42 0.31 0.47 2.66
Fall River 33.9 3.52 −0.35 1.33 4.98
Grand Rapids 16.8 6.70 0.16 0.21 5.40
Indianapolis 33.0 7.08 0.38 0.39 3.00
Kansas City MO 58.5 4.25 0.76 1.08 2.09
Los Angeles 99.2 3.22 −0.06 0.91 1.95
Louisville 20.7 10.82 0.78 1.01 2.93
Lowell 13.0 8.18 0.54 1.03 4.35
Milwaukee 22.8 16.40 0.26 0.46 3.41
Minneapolis 50.1 6.02 0.19 0.52 2.21
Nashville 17.1 6.46 1.09 1.33 4.24
New Haven 17.9 7.46 0.09 1.02 4.12
New Orleans 196.0 1.73 0.17 1.33 3.85
New York 286.8 16.62 0.32 0.75 4.35
Newark 23.2 14.98 0.44 0.99 4.16
Oakland 45.7 3.29 0.27 1.00 2.17
Omaha 24.1 5.15 0.23 2.87 1.87
Philadelphia 130.2 11.90 0.60 1.46 5.51
Pittsburgh 41.4 12.90 1.51 1.90 2.69
Portland OR 48.4 4.28 0.16 1.09 1.99
Providence 17.7 12.67 0.24 1.26 3.54
Richmond 10.0 12.76 −0.04 0.68 4.99
Rochester NY 20.1 10.85 0.25 1.40 2.63
San Francisco 46.5 8.97 0.19 1.30 2.41
Seattle 55.9 4.24 0.17 0.86 1.86
Spokane 36.8 2.84 0.16 0.84 2.42
St. Louis 61.4 11.19 0.44 0.58 2.87
St. Paul 52.2 4.11 0.14 0.76 2.76
Syracuse 17.3 7.93 0.39 0.79 5.75
Toledo 25.0 6.74 0.25 0.45 3.10
Washington DC 60.0 5.52 0.52 0.92 4.60
Worcester 37.0 3.95 0.28 1.18 3.89

Notes to Table A1.

The sample comprises 45 of the 50 U.S. cities with center-city populations in 1910 above 100,000. These 45 have weekly data on flu-related excess death rates over the second and most deadly wave of the Great Influenza Pandemic: the 24 weeks from week ending September 14, 1918 to week ending February 22, 1919. The remaining 5 large cities lack parts of the weekly data over this period.

Flu-related excess death rates, including deaths attributed to pneumonia, are calculated as percent of city population and expressed at an annual rate. The cumulative flu-related excess death rate 9/18–2/19 refers to the 24-week sample from the week ending September 14, 1918 to the week ending February 22, 1919. These values are calculated from the weekly data given in Collins et al. (1930, Appendix Table B). (A typo in the data for Pittsburgh for November 23, 1918 was corrected based on the information in Davis, 1918). The flu-related excess death rate is calculated by Collins, op.cit., as the difference between the flu-related gross death rate for each city and week and the median of the flu-related gross death rates for the corresponding city and week for 1910–1916. The relative peak death rate is the ratio of the highest weekly flu-related excess death rate in the 24-week sample to the overall flu-related excess death rate.

The flu-related gross death rate for 1910–1916 is calculated from the median values shown for the September-February months in Collins et al. (1930, Appendix Table A). Excess death rate 1/18-4/18 is the cumulative flu-related excess death rate from January 1918 to April 1918, calculated from the monthly data given in Collins et al. (1930, Appendix Table A). The all-cause excess mortality rate is the gross death rate for all causes from September 1918 to February 1919 from U.S. Department of Commerce, 1920 and 1921 (Mortality Statistics 1918, pp. 123–132; Mortality Statistics 1919, pp. 109–118), less the average of the gross death rate for all causes for 1910–1916 (Mortality Statistics 1919, pp. 12–13). The relative peak all-cause death rate uses the peak monthly death rate from September 1918 to February 1919 from the same sources.

NPI is the duration in years of three forms of non-pharmaceutical interventions—school closings, prohibitions of public gatherings, and quarantine/isolation—over the 24-week sample, as estimated by Markel et al. (2007, Table 1 and supplemental figures). Data on NPIs for Atlanta and Detroit were obtained from information in, respectively, The Atlanta Constitution and The Detroit Free Press, Public Health Reports for the two cities, and the Influenza Encyclopedia, available at The three forms of NPIs are shown separately, and NPI is the sum of these three. The public-health response time or PHRT, defined in Markel et al. (2007, Table 1), is the difference in years between the date of the first NPI implementation and the time when the weekly flu-related excess death rate reached twice the median gross death rate applicable to the corresponding month in 1910–1916.

Distance from Boston is the minimum distance in thousands of miles from Google Maps. Population 1910 (in thousands) and area (in square miles) are for central cities from 1910 U.S. Census. Population density is the ratio of population to area.