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. 2021 Sep 27;32(2):272–283. doi: 10.1007/s10926-021-10004-9

Table 1.

Characteristics of participating workers with CMDs

Short-term sick leave group (< 3 months) Medium-term sick leave group (3–6 months) Long-term sick leave group (> 6 months) Total
Number of participants 12 11 11 34 (100%)
 Male 5 2 1 8 (23,5%)
 Female 7 9 10 26 (76,5%)
Mean Age in years (range) 48 (29–59) 48 (37–60) 52 (40–62) 49 (29–62)
Educational level
 Low [primary school] 2 1 0 3
 Middle [secondary education] 4 6 2 12
 High [vocational education or university] 6 4 9 19
Disorders (number of participants)a
 Any psychiatric disorder 12 9 9 30
 Any mood disorder 11 8 7 26
 Minor depressive disorder 1 0 1 2
 Major depressive disorder 7 6 6 19
 Partial remission or recurrence of major depressive disorder 2 2 1 5
 Dysthymia 3 2 3 8
 R/O bipolar disorder 2 2 0 4
Any anxiety disorder 7 7 6 20
 Panic disorder 0 0 1 1
 Anxiety disorder NOSb 3 3 3 9
 Generalised anxiety disorder 5 4 2 11
Probable alcohol abuse/dependence 0 0 0 0
Any eating disorder 1 0 0 1
 Bulimia nervosa, ‘purging type’ 0 0 0 0
 Bulimia nervosa, ‘nonpurging’ type 2 0 0 0 0
 Binge eating disorder 1 0 0 1
Any somatoform disorder 7 8 6 21
 Multi-somatoform disorder 3 2 3 8
 Somatoform disorder NOSa 4 6 3 13

aMeasured with the PRIME-MD [25]

bNOS not otherwise specified