A. Inadequate or insufficient work adjustments |
A1. Non-fitting work content (tasks not challenging, person-job misfit) |
A2. Non-fitting work context (workload, working hours |
A3. No suitable work accommodations: no structural solutions |
B. Inadequate management and/or policy |
B1. Having to start-up too fast, no accommodations arranged |
B2. Higher workload than agreed on, extra work |
B3. Insufficient guidance/supervision: lack of clarity of RTW process |
B4. Experienced injustice/no appreciation/lack of trust |
B5. Person-organization misfit: related to work culture and worker’s norms and values |
C. Poor relationship with supervisors and/or colleagues |
C1. Lack of support, lack of understanding, inadequate communication, not approachable supervisor |
C2. Lack of support and interest/empathy/understanding of colleagues |
C3. Pressure from supervisor, bullying |
C4. Experienced injustice/no appreciation |
D. Workers’ motivation and emotions |
D1. Lack of motivation to return to work |
D2. Feeling insecure, fear of returning, fear of negative responses at work |
D3. Feelings of shame or guilt |
E. Workers’ thoughts and behaviour |
E1. Not able to set limits |
E2. High sense of responsibility |
E3. Lack of self-insight |
E4. Non-assertiveness |
F. Complaints |
F1. Physical complaints |
F2. Emotional complaints |
G. Private life context |
G1. Tensions/stress in private life |
G2. Lack of understanding from close others |
H. Professional guidance |
H1. Long waiting lists in treatment paths and setting diagnosis |
I. Societal factors |
I1. Legal arrangements: accommodations only possible after sickness notice |