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. 2022 Jun 24;13:3627. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-31144-3

Fig. 2. In vivo characterisation of SPβ and Katmira arbitrium systems.

Fig. 2

a Complementation of SPβ ΔaimR by aimRSPβ and aimRKat. Strains lysogenic for phage SPβ wt, ΔaimR and ΔaimR with the pDR110 cloned gene of aimR SPβ and Katmira were MC induced (0.5 μg/ml) and the number of resulting phages were quantified by titering using B. subtillis 168 Δ6 as the recipient strain. The complemented strains were induced with IPTG and when indicated 5 μM of peptide AimPSPβ or AimPKat was added. The results are represented as the plaque forming units (PFUs) ml−1. The means and SDs are presented for 7 independent repeats (n = 7). An ordinary one-way ANOVA of transformed data followed by a Tukey’s multiple comparisons test was performed to compare mean differences between titres. Adjusted p values were as follows: ****p ≤ 0.0001; **p = 0.017. Source data are provided as a Source Data file. b Plaque morphology of SPβ wt and ΔaimR phages using different receptor strains. Lysates from phage SPβ wt and ΔaimR were used to titre into B. subtillis 168 Δ6 and Δ6 with the Pspank cloned gene of aimR SPβ and Katmira as the recipient strain. A dilution of these lysates was performed to visualise around 200 pfu. When indicated 5 μM of peptide AimPSPβ or AimPKat was added before plating. The resulting plaque morphologies were photographed.