(A) Columns separated by tick marks across the X-axis indicate individual sEEG electrode contacts – for specific anatomical information see Supplemental Material S2, S3, and S4. Warmer colors indicate a greater number of streamlines predicted to reach each sEEG recording contact (X-axis) based on the physical shape of the stimulation field models for each stimulation configuration (Y-axis). Streamlines are calculated to intersect a 10mm spherical mask surrounding the given sEEG contact. White cells represent regions with less than 500,000 streamline intersections. (B) Evoked potentials generated by each stimulation configuration (Y-axis), in terms of average μV magnitude recorded at each of the sEEG contacts (X-axis). White cells represent sEEG contacts where no evoked potential was detected from the given stimulation experiment. For each panel, a given column measures the effect of the given measurement for a single sEEG contact as specified by the section heading. Anatomical regions of interest are used to group sEEG contacts, with the leftmost cell in a set representing the contact most distal to the brain surface and rightmost cell of the set being the most proximal to the brain surface. Rows for each figure represent the contact(s) stimulated from the given DBS lead with stimulation contacts on the same electrode situated as adjacent columns, left and right hemisphere electrodes set on the left and right sides of the heatmaps, respectively. Cooler colors represent smaller values.