Distinct brain cFos patterns at 120 min after GIPRA, LAPYY analog, and GDF15 treatments. Averaged group overview (dorsal view) of changes in cFos activity relative to the vehicle group (n = 8) (A–I). Brain regions where the number of cFos cells is increased in comparison with the vehicle group are shown in red and regions with reduced cFos count compared with vehicle group are shown in blue. Unbiased whole brain analysis of cFos fold induction by GIPRA (F), LAPYY analog (G), GDF15 (H), GIPRA + LAPYY analog (I), and GIPRA + GDF15 (J) with the top 20 brain regions with statistically significant cFos changes compared with vehicle shown. K–O: Quantification of cFos cell counts in different brain regions. Values are means ± SEM. Statistical analyses performed included one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett multiple comparison test. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.005; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001. ACB, nucleus accumbens; ACBc, nucleus accumbens core; ANcr2, Crus II; ARH, arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus; BLAv, basolateral amygdala ventral part; CEAc, central amygdala capsular part; CEAl, central amygdala lateral part; CEAm, central amygdala medial part; CP, caudoputamen; GPe, globus pallidus external part; GRN, gigantocellular reticular nucleus; GU, gustatory areas; IG, indusium griseum; LA, lateral amygdala; LD, lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus; LS, lateral septum; MARN, magnocellular reticular nucleus; MD, medial dorsal thalamus; MOp, primary motor area; MS, medial septum; NOD, nodulus(X); Ni, nucleus incertus; NS, not significant; NTB, nucleus of the trapezoid body; PA, posterior amygdala; PC5, parvocellular motor 5; PO, posterior complex of the thalamus; PFL, paraflocculus; PGRNl, paragigantocellular reticular nucleus lateral part; POR, postrhinal cortex; PoT, posterior triangular thalamus; PPN, pedunculopontine; PRM, paramedian lobule; PSTN, parasubthalamic nucleus; PVT, paraventricular thalamus; RCH, retrochiasmatic area; RL, rostral linear nucleus raphe; RT, reticular nucleus of the thalamus; Si, substantia innominata; SIM, simple lobule; SSp, primary somatosensory area; SSs, supplemental somatosensory area; TTd, tenia tecta dorsal part; TU, tuberal nucleus; VISpl, posterolateral visual area; VPM, ventral posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus; Xi, xiphoid thalamus.