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. 2022 Jun 25;20:26. doi: 10.1186/s12962-022-00360-5

Table 5.

Cost calculations for patients in each group

Description Formula Home-NPE Home-PE Clinic-PE
Intake costs TF60.CF $0.67 $0.67 $0.67
Nurse costs TN60.CN $1.67 $1.67 $1.67
PCP costs TD60.CD $7.50 $12.50 $12.50
Printed material cost CPrint $0.05 $0.05 $0.05
HS cost CScreen $8.00 $8.00 $8.00
HS room cost TScreen60.CRoom $8.33
Total intake cost TF60.CF.N1Scr $187.33 $258.67 $190.67
Total nurse cost and printed material cost TN60.CN+CPrint.N2Elig $405.13 $506.42 $427.45
Total PCP cost TD60.CD.N3Enr $1650.00 $2750.00 $2750.00
Total HS and screening room (if applicable) cost CScreen+TScreen60.CRoom.N4HS $400.00 $472.00 $3593.33
Total follow-up cost CFollowUp.N6Fol $10,128.00 $8,862.00 $24,898.00
Total hearing aid cost CHA.N8GotHA $4600.00 $0.00 $18,400.00
Sum of clinic costs (i.e., until HS failure) S5Fail=TF60.CF.N1Scr+TN60.CN+CPrint.N2Elig+TD60.CD.N3Enr+CScreen+TScreen60.CRoom.N4HS $2642.47 $3987.08 $6961.45
Average PCP cost per eligible patient S5FailN2Elig $11.20 $13.51 $27.96
Average PCP cost per enrolled patient S5FailN3Enr $12.01 $18.12 $31.64
Average PCP cost per patient who completed HS S5FailN4HS $52.85 $67.58 $31.64
Average PCP cost per patient who failed HS S5FailN5Fail $62.92 $73.83 $58.01
Sum of all costs S=S5Fail+CFollowUp.N6Fol+CHA.N8GotHA $17,370.47 $12,849.08 $50,259.45
Average cost per eligible patient SN2Elig $73.60 $43.56 $201.85
Average cost per enrolled patient SN3Enr $78.96 $58.40 $228.45
Average cost per patient who completed HS SN4HS $347.41 $217.78 $228.45
Average cost per patient who failed HS SN5Fail $413.58 $237.95 $418.83