Fig. 3.
Correlation analysis of adult female facial morphology and 3D facial soft tissue changes after orthodontic treatment. A Correlation between the R9 and N'-Me' distance; B Correlation between the R9 and Sn'-Me' distance; C Correlation between the R7 and RtCh-ULPm-LtCh angle; D Correlation between the R9 and N'-Me'/RtZy-LtZy ratio; E Correlation between the R9 and Sn'-Me'/RtGo'-LtGo' ratio. Ch, cheilion; Go', soft-tissue gonion; Lt, left; Me', soft-tissue menton; N', soft-tissue nasion; R7, upper cheilion region; R9, buccal region; Sn', subnasale; ULPm, upper lip point midline; Zy, zygomatic point