Figure 1. S1pr5 and granzyme C mark subsets of circulating and tissue-resident group 1 innate lymphocytes, respectively.
A. Log fold change (LFC) of gene expression from microarray of liver (Liv) ILC1s versus Liv NK cells (y-axis) versus mean accessibility LFC for Liv ILC1s versus Liv NK cells. Genes with significant differentially accessible peaks are included; genes with significant differential expression are shown in black, red (enriched in ILC1) or green (enriched in NK cell), and genes without significant differential expression are shown in gray. B. Gene accessibility tracks for S1pr5 and Gzmc, displaying average peaks for splenic (Spl) NK cell, Liv NK cell, Liv ILC1, and salivary gland (SG) ILC1, which had differential accessibility between overall ILC1 and NK cell as well as differential gene expression between Liv ILC1 and Liv NK cell. Differentially accessible peaks, as listed in Table S1, are highlighted in the red box. C. Representative histograms (left) and quantification (right) of CD49b, CD11b, KLRG1, CD49a, CD103, CXCR6, CD127, CD200R1, CD69, Eomes, Tbet, and IFN-γ expression in Spl, Liv, and SG S1pr5eGFP-positive or granzyme C (GzmC)-positive CD3−NK1.1+NKp46+ cells of S1pr5eGFP-iCre mice, or fluorescence minus one (FMO) staining. Each dot represents one mouse, 3–12 mice per group. All data are combined from three or more independent experiments and shown as mean +/− SEM (one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test, “ns” = not significant, * = p<0.05, ** = p<0.01, *** = p<0.001, **** = p<0.0001).