A. Experimental design for S1pr5 fate-mapper (S1pr5FM) chimeric mice. Expression of S1pr5FM and granzyme C (GzmC) in splenic (Spl), liver (Liv), and salivary gland (SG) CD3−NK1.1+ cells. B. Expression of S1pr5FM in Liv and SG CXCR6+CD49a+, SG Eomes+CD49a+, and Liv CD49a−CD49b+ NK cells from S1pr5FM chimeric mice. C. Experimental design for ILCp (Lin−CD127+α4β7+Flt3−CD25−PD-1+) transfer. Expression of CD49a and GzmC in Liv ILCp-derived CD3−NK1.1+NKp46+ cells. D. Experimental design for IL-5 fate-mapper (Il5FM) mice. Expression of Il5FM and GzmC in Liv, SG, and small intestine lamina propria (SI LP) Lin−Thy1.2+ and/or NK1.1+ innate lymphocytes. E. Experimental design for IL-17A fate-mapper (Il17aFM) mice. Expression of Il17aFM and GzmC in Liv, SG, and SI LP Lin−Thy1.2+ and/or NK1.1+ innate lymphocytes. F. Experimental design for IL-22 fate-mapper (Il22FM) mice. Expression of Il22FM and GzmC in Liv, SG, and SI LP Lin−Thy1.2+ and/or NK1.1+ innate lymphocytes. Each dot represents one mouse, n = 3–6 mice per group. All data are combined from three or more independent experiments and shown as mean +/− SEM (one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test, “ns” = not significant, * = p<0.05, ** = p<0.01, *** = p<0.001, **** = p<0.0001).