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. 2022 Jun 13;9:889414. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2022.889414


Effects of methylation levels in the CpG sites of the EXO1 gene on the prognosis of HCC patients.

CpG island HR p-value
TSS1500; TSS200-Island-cg00309178 1.397 0.11
Body-Open_Sea-cg03116938 2.104 0.0023
TSS1500-N_Shore-cg03292648 0.548 0.0007
TSS1500; TSS200-Island-cg04158730 1.17 0.38
TSS1500-N_Shore-cg06713297 1.163 0.4
TSS1500-Island-cg07639959 0.808 0.29
Body-Open_Sea-cg11837910 1.855 0.0025
TSS1500; 5′UTR; 1stExon-Island-cg12401425 1.458 0.079
TSS1500-Island-cg17423498 1.39 0.06
TSS1500; TSS200-Island-cg17736920 0.832 0.3
TSS1500; 5′UTR; 1stExon-Island-cg20629097 1.147 0.43
TSS1500; TSS200-Island-cg21919602 1.547 0.013
Body;3′UTR-Open_Sea-cg22022181 2.375 0.00052
TSS1500;5′UTR-Island-cg24741598 1.662 0.03

HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; HR, hazard ratio.