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. 2022 Jun 13;9:817517. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2022.817517


Commonly used databases for micropeptide research.

Name Characteristics Website References
BLAST A tool for similarity analysis in protein databases or gene databases to find sequences that are similar to the query sequence. This includes patterns such as blastp, blastx, etc Sayers et al. (2021)
Pfam A database that classifies protein sequences into families and domains, which can be queried for protein conserved structural domains Mistry et al. (2021)
CDD NCBI conserved domain database, annotated biomolecular sequences with evolutionarily conserved protein domain footprint positions, as well as functional sites deduced from these footprints Lu et al. (2020)
cncRNADB Manually manage a resource database of bifunctional RNA (cncRNA) with protein-coding and non-coding functions Huang et al. (2021)
LNCipedia A public database for storing lncRNA sequences and annotation information Volders et al. (2019)
lnCAR A comprehensive resource for lncRNA from cancer arrays (including lncRNA coding information) Zheng et al. (2019)
NONCODE A database annotated with a large amount of lncRNA information Zhao et al. (2016)
UCSC Genome Browser database that provides high quality visualization of genomic data and genome annotation. Has tools such as BLAT, track hubs, etc. for viewing, analyzing and downloading data Navarro Gonzalez et al. (2021)
UniProt The most comprehensive database of protein sequence and annotation information, consisting of UniProtKB, UniRef, and UniParc, and integrating data from three major databases, swiss-prot, TrEMBL, and PIR-PSD UniProt, (2021)
Expasy A database of reliable and most advanced bioinformatics service tools and resources is stored. Has tools such as protscale, TMpred, etc. for viewing, analyzing, and downloading data Duvaud et al. (2021)
LncPep The lncRNA coding peptides database Liu et al. (2022)
SPENCER A comprehensive database for small peptides encoded by noncoding RNAs in cancer patients Luo et al. (2022)