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. 2022 Jun 9;25(7):104570. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104570
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

BLZ945 Novartis N/A
Captisol Ligand Pharmaceuticals RC-0C7-K01
Dental cement powder Paladur, Kaladent 2260240 - 100 g
Dental cement liquid Paladur, Kaladent 2260210 - 80 mL
Norland optical adhesive 61 AMP Technica 431508

Deposited data

Analyzed imaging data This paper; Mendeley Data

Experimental models: Cell lines

DF1 chicken fibroblasts ATCC CVCL_0570

Experimental models: Organisms/strains

Mouse: Nestin-Tv-a (Tg(NES-TVA)J12Ech) Gift from Dr. E. Holland (Dai et al., 2001) N/A
Mouse: Nestin-Tv-a;Ink4a/Arf−/− (Tg(NES-TVA)J12Ech; Cdkn2atm1Rdp) Gift from Dr. E. Holland (Dai et al., 2001) N/A
Mouse: Flt3:Cre; Rosa26:mTmG (Tg(Flt3-cre); Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(ACTB-tdTomato,-EGFP)Luo) Gift from Dr. C. Forsberg (Benz et al., 2008; Boyer et al., 2011; Muzumdar et al., 2007) N/A
Mouse: Cx3cr1:CreER-IRES-YFP (BL6.Cg-Cx3cr1tm2.1(cre/ERT)) Jackson laboratories IMSR_JAX:021160
Mouse: Rosa26:lsl-TdTomato (Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)) Jackson laboratories IMSR_JAX:007914

Recombinant DNA

RCAS-PDGFB-HA Gift from Dr. E. Holland (Becher et al., 2008; Ozawa et al., 2014) N/A
RCAS-PDGFB-HA-SV40-GFP Gift from Dr. E. Holland (Becher et al., 2008; Ozawa et al., 2014) N/A
RCAS-shP53 Gift from Dr. E. Holland (Becher et al., 2008; Ozawa et al., 2014) N/A

Software and algorithms

Imaris version 9.7.2 Bitplane SCR_007370
Code to analyze imaging data This paper, Mendeley Data


Peek head bars This paper, home-made N/A
3 mm diameter coverslips, thickness “#0” (= 0.085 mm) Multichannel Systems 640726
5 mm diameter coverslips, thickness “#0” (= 0.085 mm) Multichannel Systems 640731
3 mm biopsy punches Integra Miltex 33-32
3 Tesla small animal MR scanner Bruker Biospin MRI N/A
Multi-photon microscope Leica SCR_018852