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. 2022 Jun 23;12(6):e055055. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055055

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of young and old patients with ischaemic stroke

Baseline characteristics Total
(n=793 175 (100%))
Young adults
(<50 years)
(n=71 860 (9.1%))
Old adults
(≥50 years)
(n=721 315 (90.9%))
ASD (%)/H-L estimator*
Patient characteristics
 Age, years 66.1±12.0 43.8±5.3 68.3±10.0 306.1
 Male, n (%) 496 960 (62.7) 54 850 (76.3) 442 110 (61.3) 32.8
 Insurance status, n (%)
  UEBMI 225 940 (28.5) 19 160 (26.7) 206 780 (28.7) 4.5
  URBMI 149 839 (18.9) 12 393 (17.2) 137 446 (19.1) 4.9
  NRCMS 333 979 (42.1) 27 587 (38.4) 306 392 (42.5) 8.4
  Self-pay 50 727 (6.4) 9263 (12.9) 41 464 (5.7) 25.0
  Other 32 690 (4.1) 3457 (4.8) 29 233 (4.1) 3.4
Arrive mode, n (%)
 Ambulance 89 484 (11.3) 7170 (10.0) 82 314 (11.4) 4.5
 Private car 372 727 (47.0) 33 340 (46.4) 339 387 (47.1) 1.4
 Taxi 68 801 (8.7) 6743 (9.4) 62 058 (8.6) 2.8
 Bicycle or tricycle 7237 (0.9) 577 (0.8) 6660 (0.9) 1.1
 Helicopter 338 (0.0) 27 (0.0) 311 (0.0)
 Mobile stroke unit 246 (0.0) 24 (0.0) 222 (0.0)
 Other 254 342 (32.1) 23 979 (33.4) 230 363 (31.9) 3.2
Medical history, n (%)
 Previous stroke/TIA 261 760 (33.0) 16 197 (22.5) 245 563 (34.0) 25.8
 CAD/prior MI 69 810 (8.8) 2906 (4.0) 66 904 (9.3) 21.4
 Diabetes 170 638 (21.5) 10 985 (15.3) 159 653 (22.1) 17.5
 Peripheral vascular disease 13 512 (1.7) 718 (1.0) 12 794 (1.8) 6.8
 Hypertension 510 928 (64.4) 38 722 (53.9) 472 206 (65.5) 23.8
 Smoking† 294 708 (37.2) 35 848 (49.9) 258 860 (35.9) 28.6
 Atrial fibrillation/flutter 40 231 (5.1) 886 (1.2) 39 345 (5.5) 24.1
 Dyslipidaemia 60 605 (7.6) 5861 (8.2) 54 744 (7.6) 2.2
 Carotid stenosis 10 161 (1.3) 509 (0.7) 9652 (1.3) 6.0
Medication history, n (%)
 Anticoagulants 31 326 (3.9) 2394 (3.3) 28 932 (4.0) 3.7
 Hypoglycaemic drugs 133 244 (16.8) 7802 (10.9) 125 442 (17.4) 18.7
 Antihypertensive drugs 370 017 (46.7) 24 065 (33.5) 345 952 (48.0) 29.8
 Antiplatelet drugs 165 771 (20.9) 10 482 (14.6) 155 289 (21.5) 18.0
 Lipid-lowering drugs 118 827 (15.0) 8171 (11.4) 110 656 (15.3) 11.5
NIHSS score in hospital‡ 3.0 (2.0–6.0) 3.0 (1.0–5.0) 3.0 (2.0–6.0)
Biochemical indicators
 Glycated haemoglobin§, % 5.8 (5.3–6.5) 5.7 (5.2–6.1) 5.8 (5.3–6.5)
 BMI¶ 24.0±4.3 24.9±4.8 23.9±4.2 22.2
 Homocysteine**, µmol/L 13.9 (10.4–19.1) 13.4 (10.0–19.0) 13.9 (10.5–19.1)
 Systolic blood pressure††, mm Hg 150.0±23.0 147.9±24.4 150.2±22.8 9.7
 Diastolic blood pressure‡‡, mm Hg 87.0±13.9 92.3±16.1 86.5±13.5 39.0
Hospital characteristics, n (%)
 Hospital level
  Secondary hospital 303 790 (38.3) 23 993 (33.4) 279 797 (38.8) 11.3
  Tertiary hospital 489 385 (61.7) 47 867 (66.6) 441 518 (61.2) 11.3
 Hospital region
  Eastern China 365 579 (46.1) 32 744 (45.6) 332 835 (46.1) 1.0
  Central China 262 618 (33.1) 24 477 (34.1) 238 141 (33.0) 2.3
  Western China 164 978 (20.8) 14 639 (20.4) 150 339 (20.8) 1.0

*H-L estimator; an absolute standardised difference (%) >10% indicates meaningful imbalance between two groups.

†Smoking: having smoking experience or behaviours.

‡Information was missing for n=154 052 patients (19.4%).

§Information was missing for n=84 393 patients (10.6%); median was used for imputation.

¶Information was missing for n=12 698 patients (1.6%); median was used for imputation.

**Information was missing for n=35 781 patients (4.5%).

††Information was missing for n=245 patients (≈0.0%); median was used for imputation.

‡‡Information was missing for n=251 patients (≈0.0%); median was used for imputation.

ASD, absolute standardised difference; CAD, coronary artery disease; H-L, Hodges-Lehmann; MI, myocardial infarction; NIHSS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; NRCMS, New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme; TIA, transient ischaemic attack; UEBMI, Urban Employee Basic Medical Insurance; URBMI, Urban Resident Basic Medical Insurance.