Table 7.
Comparison of nutrient standards specified by healthy kids’ meal laws (N=3) enacted in the United States from January 2010 through August 2020 to expert and industry nutrition guidelines for meals
Nutrient/Food Group | Guidelines | Nutrient Standards of Healthy Kids’ Meal Laws (N=3) | |||
NSLPa Meal Standards | NRA’s KLWb Kids’ Meal Standards | Santa Clara Countyc Standards | San Franciscod Standards | Louisvillee Standards | |
Overview | Lunch meals for kids in grades K-5 must adhere to the guidelines below. | Kids’ meals must adhere to the guidelines below. | The Santa Clara County toy restriction prohibits restaurants in the unincorporated parts of the county from giving away toys and other incentives, such as games, trading cards, admission tickets, or other consumer products (physical or digital), with any foods, beverages, or meals that exceed any of the nutrient criteria below. | The San Francisco toy restriction prohibits restaurants from distributing any free toy, game, trading card, admission ticket, or any other consumer product, whether digital or physical, with kids’ meals or with foods and beverages unless they meet the nutrient requirements below. | The Louisville nutrition requirements and healthy default beverage law mandates that restaurants that provide kids’ meals are required to provide at least one healthy default beverage option and at least one of the menu options listed below. |
Calories |
-- |
Sodium |
-- |
Total fat | -- | -- |
-- |
Saturated fat |
-- |
Trans fat |
-- |
Added sugars | -- |
-- | -- |
Fruits |
-- |
Vegetables |
-- |
Non/low-fat dairy g | -- |
-- | -- | -- |
Whole grains |
-- | -- |
Meat/Meat alternates |
-- | -- |
Milk g |
-- | -- | -- | -- |
Additives: Caffeine, Sweeteners | -- | -- |
-- |
standards Under OVSh, students must select:
No, did not meet the standards for food components required because it failed to include any food components. | No, did not meet the standards for certain food components because it failed to include specifications for whole grains and meat/meat alternates, thereby, making it impossible to select at least 3 distinct food components. | No, did not meet the standards for calories, sodium, saturated fat, trans fat, and some food components because it either did not include them or served less than the recommended serving sizes. | ||
Meets NRA’s KLW voluntary criteria | No, did not meet the standards for added sugars and food components because it failed to include them. | No, did not meet the standards for meal calories, added sugars, and certain food components such as non-fat/low-fat dairy, whole grains, and meat/meat alternates. | No, did not meet the standards for calories, sodium, saturated fat, trans fat, added sugars, and some food components because it either did not include them or served less than the recommended serving sizes. |
US Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. Final rule: Nutrition standards in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast programs. 77 Federal Register 4088–4167. 2012. Codifed at 7 CFR §210. Accessed September 1, 2020,
National Restaurant Association’s (NRA) Kids Live Well (KLW) 2019. Accessed September 1, 2020,
An Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Clara Adding Chapter XXII of Division A18 to the County of Santa Clara Ordinance Code Relating to Toys and Other Incentives with Restaurant Food. May 11, 2010. Available at Accessed August 1, 2020.
Ordinance Amending Article 8 of the San Francisco Health Code by Adding Sections 471.1 through 471.9, to Set Nutritional Standards for Restaurant Food Sold Accompanied by Toys or Other Youth Focused Incentive Items. November 23, 2010. Available at Accessed August 1, 2020.
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 118 of the Louisville Metro Code of Ordinances Regarding Establishing the Nutrition Requirements and Default Beverages Offered with Children’s Meals (as Amended). June 7, 2018. Available at Accessed August 1, 2020.
Except for fat contained in nuts, seeds, peanut butter, or other nut butters, or an individually served or packaged egg or individually served or packaged low-fat or reduced fat cheese.
This was not evaluated as part of the nutrition standards because it has been evaluated using beverage standards - evaluated separately in Table 3.
US Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service. Updated offer vs serve guidance for the NSLP and SBP beginning SY2015–16. Published December 24, 2015. Accessed August 16, 2021,