(A) PCR-DGGE pattern obtained using Lactobacillus-specific V1-16S rDNA primers. A box indicates the L. reuteri band used to track changes in this population. Lanes: 1, pure culture L. reuteri MM53; 2, control piglet fecal sample; 3, daily-dosed piglet fecal sample. Band numbers correspond to different Lactobacillus species as follows: 1, Lactobacillus sp., 2, L. reuteri; 3, L. reuteri; 4, L. pontis; 5, L. panis; 6, Lactobacillus sp. (B) Contribution of L. reuteri band V1-3 intensities from V1-16S rDNA region DGGE gels expressed as a percentage of total density (V1 through V6) for the three treatment groups (control [▴], daily dosed [□], and 4th day dosed [●]). Dosing days for the 4th-day-dosed group are boxed, and the last dosing day is indicated by the dotted line.