Fig. 1. Numerical modeling of the two diode ingredients.
a Self-field phenomenon, induced by a spatial nonuniformity and (b) Flux offset by stray fields from a trapped Abrikosov vortex. a Simulated Ic(Φ) modulation: black—for a uniform JJ with constant critical current density, Jc, and bias, Ib; olive - for Jc = const with a slightly nonuniform bias, Ib(x), leading to appearance of self-field; blue—for Jc = const with a strongly nonuniform bias, Ib(x); magenta—the same as for blue with added V-shape spatial inhomogeneity of Jc(x). b Simulated Ic(Φ) for a uniform JJ with a uniform bias without (black) and with a trapped antivortex (red) at xv = L/2 and zv = 0.1L. The inset represents a sketch of the vortex-junction configuration. c The nonreciprocity, ∣Ic+(Φ)/Ic−(Φ)∣, for the cases from a, b in the same color palette. It is seen that nonuniformity induces nonreciprocity, but only at a finite field, H ∝ Φ ≠ 0. Vortex stray fields offset and distort Ic(Φ), but do not induce nonreciprocity.