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. 2022 Jun 14:1–13. doi: 10.1017/S0033291722001933

Table 1.

Description of the sample of undergraduate students from the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) in 2019 (N = 996) and of the institutions participating in the multi-center study in 2020/2021: FURG (N = 1437), Amazonas State University (UEA) (N = 1101), Fluminense Federal University (UFF) (N = 1132), Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) (N = 1762), and Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) (N = 288)

Variables 2020/2021 p**
Sex 0.001 <0.001
Male 359 (36.1%) 428 (29.8%) 405 (36.8%) 364 (32.2%) 590 (33.5%) 115 (39.9%) 1902 (33.3%)
Female 635 (63.9%) 1009 (70.2%) 696 (63.2%) 768 (67.8%) 1172 (66.5%) 173 (60.1%) 3818 (66.7%)
Sexual orientation 0.015 <0.001
Heterosexual 769 (77.8%) 907 (73.4%) 697 (72.5%) 617 (61.4%) 1.071 (71.4%) 173 (66.5%) 3465 (69.8%)
Homo/bi/pansexual 219 (22.2%) 329 (26.6%) 264 (27.5%) 388 (38.6%) 428 (28.6%) 87 (33.5%) 1496 (30.2%)
Age <0.001 <0.001
18–24 years 694 (69.7%) 837 (58.3%) 815 (74.0%) 778 (68.7%) 1242 (70.5%) 202 (70.1%) 3874 (67.7%)
25–31 years 173 (17.4%) 292 (20.3%) 170 (15.4%) 217 (19.2%) 302 (17.1%) 59 (20.5%) 1040 (18.2%)
32 years or more 128 (12.9%) 307 (21.4%) 116 (10.6%) 137 (12.1%) 218 (12.4%) 27 (9.4%) 805 (14.1%)
Race and ethnicity 0.002 <0.001
White 732 (73.6%) 974 (67.8%) 334 (30.3%) 645 (57.0%) 702 (39.8%) 109 (37.9%) 2764 (48.3%)
Black, brown, or other 262 (26.4%) 463 (32.2%) 767 (69.7%) 487 (43.0%) 1060 (60.2%) 179 (62.1%) 2956 (51.7%)
Income per capita (median in each quintile) <0.001 <0.001
1st quintile (poorest) R$420 R$300 R$225 R$248 R$333 R$286 R$275
2nd quintile R$833 R$600 R$592 R$600 R$600 R$600 R$600
3rd quintile R$1300 R$1000 R$1000 R$1000 R$1000 R$1000 R$1000
4th quintile R$2000 R$1500 R$1667 R$1500 R$1592 R$1557 R$1531
5th quintile (richest) R$3750 R$3000 R$3400 R$3500 R$3500 R$3000 R$3375
Housing status <0.001 <0.001
Lives with family members 625 (66.4%) 1229 (85.7%) 1026 (93.3%) 1039 (91.8%) 1526 (86.9%) 271 (94.4%) 5091 (89.1%)
Lives alone 150 (16.0%) 121 (8.4%) 49 (4.5%) 48 (4.2%) 143 (8.1%) 10 (3.5%) 371 (6.5%)
Lives with friends/peers 166 (17.6%) 85 (5.9%) 25 (2.3%) 45 (4.0%) 88 (5.0%) 6 (2.1%) 249 (4.4%)
Housing quality <0.001 <0.001
Better 687 (70.2%) 904 (62.9%) 549 (49.9%) 932 (82.3%) 1104 (62.7%) 166 (57.6%) 3655 (63.9%)
Worse 291 (29.8%) 533 (37.1%) 552 (50.1%) 200 (17.7%) 658 (37.3%) 122 (42.4%) 2065 (36.1%)
Food insecurity <0.001 <0.001
No 685 (69.5%) 547 (44.5%) 312 (32.9%) 552 (55.5%) 723 (48.9%) 106 (40.9%) 2240 (45.6%)
Yes 301 (30.5%) 682 (55.5%) 636 (67.1%) 443 (44.5%) 756 (51.1%) 153 (59.1%) 2670 (54.4%)
Social support <0.001 <0.001
Low 59 (6.5%) 169 (13.9%) 137 (14.6%) 82 (8.4%) 229 (15.7%) 33 (12.8%) 650 (13.4%)
Medium 452 (49.2%) 621 (50.9%) 533 (56.9%) 514 (52.2%) 773 (52.9%) 144 (55.8%) 2585 (53.2%)
High 407 (44.3%) 430 (35.2%) 266 (28.4%) 388 (39.4%) 459 (31.4%) 81 (31.4%) 1624 (33.4%)
Desired course on entry 0.216 0.001
No 243 (24.5%) 321 (22.3%) 272 (24.7%) 228 (20.1%) 445 (25.3%) 49 (17.0%) 1315 (23.0%)
Yes 749 (75.5%) 1116 (77.7%) 829 (75.3%) 904 (79.9%) 1317 (74.7%) 239 (83.0%) 4405 (77.0%)
Satisfaction with current course 0.002 <0.001
Not at all/unsatisfied 87 (8.8%) 192 (13.4%) 192 (17.4%) 141 (12.5%) 290 (16.5%) 26 (9.1%) 841 (14.7%)
Moderately satisfied 376 (37.9%) 516 (35.9%) 473 (43.0%) 404 (45.7%) 653 (37.1%) 108 (37.8%) 2154 (37.7%)
Very/totally satisfied 530 (53.3%) 728 (50.7%) 436 (39.6%) 587 (51.8%) 818 (46.4%) 152 (53.1%) 2721 (47.6%)
Physical activity in the previous week <0.001 0.058
No 332 (36.9%) 669 (46.8%) 540 (49.1%) 567 (50.1%) 881 (50.3%) 123 (42.7%) 2780 (48.8%)
Yes 568 (63.1%) 761 (53.2%) 559 (50.9%) 564 (49.9%) 869 (49.7%) 165 (57.3%) 2918 (51.2%)
Generalized anxiety 0.068 0.001
No 671 (69.1%) 867 (65.5%) 675 (66.0%) 624 (58.7%) 1050 (65.6%) 170 (61.1%) 3386 (64.0%)
Yes 300 (30.9%) 457 (34.5%) 348 (34.0%) 438 (41.3%) 550 (34.4%) 108 (38.9%) 1902 (36.0%)
Depression <0.001 0.017
No 610 (61.7%) 577 (45.3%) 455 (46.0%) 415 (40.1%) 717 (46.4%) 126 (46.7%) 2290 (44.8%)
Yes 378 (38.3%) 692 (54.7%) 535 (54.0%) 621 (59.9%) 829 (53.6%) 144 (53.3%) 2825 (55.2%)
Stress 0.107 <0.001
Less stressed (1st–3rd quartiles) 690 (76.0%) 1053 (78.9%) 801 (77.2%) 715 (66.6%) 1245 (76.7%) 203 (72.2%) 4017 (75.1%)
More stressed (4th quartile) 218 (24.0%) 282 (21.1%) 237 (22.8%) 358 (33.4%) 378 (23.3%) 78 (27.8%) 1333 (24.9%)
High risk of suicide <0.001 0.003
No 875 (88.7%) 1057 (83.0%) 763 (77.1%) 852 (82.2%) 1225 (79.2%) 218 (80.7%) 4115 (80.4%)
Yes 111 (11.3%) 217 (17.0%) 227 (22.9%) 184 (17.8%) 322 (20.8%) 52 (19.3%) 1002 (19.6%)
Number of days left the home in the last 2 weeks <0.001
None 62 (4.5%) 87 (8.2%) 46 (4.2%) 77 (4.6%) 11 (3.9%) 283 (5.2%)
1–5 days 805 (58.7%) 539 (50.7%) 693 (63.0%) 911 (54.6%) 151 (53.1%) 3099 (56.4%)
6–10 days 285 (20.8%) 231 (21.8%) 225 (20.4%) 323 (19.4%) 75 (26.4%) 1139 (20.8%)
11–14 days 220 (16.0%) 205 (19.3%) 136 (12.4%) 358 (21.4%) 47 (16.6%) 966 (17.6%)
Number of days accessed information about the COVID-19 pandemic in the last week <0.001
None 237 (17.3%) 155 (14.6%) 173 (15.7%) 361 (21.6%) 48 (16.9%) 974 (17.8%)
1–3 days 469 (34.2%) 330 (31.1%) 373 (33.9%) 597 (35.8%) 77 (27.1%) 1846 (33.6%)
4–6 days 236 (17.2%) 196 (18.5%) 190 (17.3%) 268 (16.1%) 43 (15.1%) 933 (17.0%)
7 days 429 (31.3%) 381 (35.8%) 364 (33.1%) 442 (26.5%) 116 (40.9%) 1732 (31.6%)
Income during the pandemic <0.001
Increased 108 (7.5%) 95 (8.6%) 120 (10.6%) 134 (7.6%) 39 (13.5%) 496 (8.7%)
Remained the same 448 (31.2%) 310 (28.2%) 372 (32.9%) 637 (36.2%) 85 (20.5%) 1852 (32.4%)
Decreased 828 (57.6%) 648 (58.8%) 625 (55.2%) 957 (54.3%) 159 (55.2%) 3217 (56.2%)
Had no income 53 (3.7%) 48 (4.4%) 15 (1.3%) 34 (1.9%) 5 (1.8%) 155 (2.7%)
Risk factor for worsening COVID-19 <0.001
No 862 (60.0%) 760 (69.0%) 716 (63.2%) 1139 (64.6%) 210 (72.9%) 3687 (64.5%)
Yes 574 (40.0%) 341 (31.0%) 416 (36.8%) 623 (35.4%) 78 (27.1%) 2033 (35.6%)
Infection by COVID-19 <0.001
No 1318 (96.1%) 897 (84.4%) 1015 (92.4%) 1555 (93.2%) 270 (95.1%) 5055 (92.2%)
Yes 53 (3.9%) 165 (15.6%) 84 (7.6%) 114 (6.8%) 14 (4.9%) 430 (7.8%)
Concern about delay in graduation due to COVID-19 pandemic <0.001
Not at all/a little concerned 225 (15.7%) 127 (11.5%) 189 (16.7%) 309 (17.5%) 34 (11.8%) 884 (15.5%)
Moderately concerned 402 (28.0%) 292 (26.5%) 382 (33.8%) 507 (28.8%) 72 (25.0%) 1655 (28.9%)
Very/extremely concerned 810 (56.3%) 682 (61.9%) 561 (49.5%) 946 (53.7%) 182 (63.2%) 3181 (55.6%)
Infection of close person by COVID-19 <0.001
No 498 (34.7%) 138 (12.5%) 190 (16.8%) 390 (22.1%) 51 (17.7%) 1267 (22.2%)
Yes 939 (65.3%) 963 (87.5%) 942 (83.2%) 1372 (77.9%) 237 (82.3%) 4453 (77.8%)
Death of close person from COVID-19 <0.001
No 1123 (78.1%) 542 (49.2%) 793 (70.0%) 1233 (70.0%) 204 (70.8%) 3895 (68.1%)
Yes 314 (21.9%) 559 (50.8%) 339 (30.0%) 529 (30.0%) 94 (29.2%) 1825 (31.9%)
Fear of COVID-19 0.001
A little 505 (37.0%) 367 (35.6%) 375 (34.1%) 656 (39.4%) 95 (33.5%) 1998 (36.5%)
Moderate 539 (39.4%) 431 (40.6%) 455 (41.4%) 702 (42.1%) 124 (43.7%) 2251 (41.1%)
Very 322 (23.6%) 263 (24.8%) 269 (24.5%) 308 (18.5%) 65 (22.9%) 1227 (22.4%)

SABES-Grad Study, Brazil, 2021.

Notes: *p value of the χ2 test to measure the difference in the proportions of the categories at FURG between 2019 and 2020; **p value of the χ2 test to measure the difference in the proportions of the categories between the five universities in the 2020/2021 collection. There are variations in the absolute values of valid responses according to the categories in each institution, due to information lost from incomplete filling out of some blocks of the questionnaire.