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. 2022 Jun 27;12(6):e061467. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-061467

Table 3.

Total annual cost of HEARTS hypertension control programme in four subdistricts

Golapganj Fenchuganj Beanibazar Bishwanath Total
H: Healthy lifestyles 13 335 339 157 071 4 765 107 56 126 10 800 324 127 212 9 947 252 117 164 38 848 022 457 574
H1: Training costs 418 990 4935 418 990 4935 418 990 4935 418 990 4935 1 675 960 19 740
 H1.1: Facility rental (% of H1) 18 000 212 18 000 212 18 000 212 18 000 212 72 000 848
 H1.2: Human resources 20 000 236 20 000 236 20 000 236 20 000 236 80 000 942
 H1.3: Instructive handbooks 35 000 412 35 000 412 35 000 412 35 000 412 140 000 1649
 H1.4: Per diem/transportation 339 990 4005 339 990 4005 339 990 4005 339 990 4005 1 359 960 16 018
 H1.5: Refreshments 6000 71 6000 71 6000 71 6000 71 24 000 283
H2: Brief counselling costs 12 816 349 150 958 4 246 117 50 013 10 281 334 121 099 9 428 262 111 051 36 772 062 433 122
 H2.1: Tobacco 9 272 756 109 220 3 072 108 36 185 7 438 647 87 617 6 821 441 80 347 26 604 952 313 368
  Provider time to administer 5A’s 3 807 374 44 845 1 261 401 14 857 3 054 293 35 975 2 800 870 32 990 10 923 938 128 668
  Informational materials (print) 5 465 382 64 374 1 810 707 21 328 4 384 354 51 641 4 020 572 47 357 15 681 014 184 700
 H2.2: Alcohol 933 641 10 997 309 320 3643 748 971 8822 686 827 8090 2 678 759 31 552
  Provider time to administer 5A’s 383 351 4515 127 006 1496 307 526 3622 282 010 3322 1 099 893 12 955
  Informational materials (print) 550 290 6482 182 314 2147 441 445 5200 404 817 4768 1 578 866 18 597
 H2.3: Physical inactivity 2 609 952 30 741 864 689 10 185 2 093 715 24 661 1 919 994 22 615 7 488 350 88 202
  Provider time to administer 5A’s 1 071 641 12 622 355 040 4182 859 675 10 126 788 345 9286 3 074 701 36 216
  Informational materials (print) 1 538 311 18 119 509 650 6003 1 234 040 14 535 1 131 648 13 329 4 413 649 51 986
H3: Other programme costs 100 000 1178 100 000 1178 100 000 1178 100 000 1178 400 000 4711
   Community awareness meetings 50 000 589 50 000 589 50 000 589 50 000 589 200 000 2356
   Community health workers training 50 000 589 50 000 589 50 000 589 50 000 589 200 000 2356
E: Evidence-based treatment protocols 35 959 415 423 550 11 913 524 140 324 28 846 806 339 774 26 453 304 311 582 103 173 049 1 215 230
E1: Ask about patient history - provider time 5 317 334 62 631 1 761 658 20 750 4 265 589 50 243 3 911 661 46 074 15 256 241 179 697
E2: Assess via physical exam and diagnostic tests - provider time 5 317 334 62 631 1 761 658 20 750 4 265 589 50 243 3 911 661 46 074 15 256 241 179 697
E3: Return visits - Counsel and treat per protocol - provider time 25 324 748 298 289 8 390 209 98 825 20 315 628 239 289 18 629 982 219 434 72 660 567 855 837
A: Access to Essential Medicines and Technologies 40 197 017 473 463 13 429 971 158 186 32 279 509 380 206 29 615 146 348 824 115 521 643 1 360 679
A1: Hypertension medications 40 028 765 471 481 13 261 719 156 204 32 111 257 378 224 29 446 893 346 842 114 848 633 1 352 752
   Amlodipine 5 mg 9 873 894 116 300 3 271 268 38 531 7 920 882 93 297 7 263 664 85 556 28 329 707 333 683
   Losartan 50 mg 30 016 637 353 553 9 944 653 117 134 24 079 482 283 622 22 081 538 260 089 86 122 310 1 014 397
   Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg 138 235 1628 45 798 539 110 892 1306 101 691 1198 396 616 4672
A2: Diagnostic technologies, machines and supplies 168 253 1982 168 253 1982 168 253 1982 168 253  1982 673 010 7927
R: Risk-based management 172 334 2030 172 334 2030 172 334 2030 172 334 2030 689 336 8119
R1: Training costs 172 334 2030 172 334 2030 172 334 2030 172 334 2030 689 336 8119
T: Team-based care Savings from training nurses and CHWs to do tasks customarily performed by doctors 13 815 043 162 721 4 576 989 53 910 11 082 490 130 536 10 162 944 119 705 39 637 467 466 872
T1: Savings from training nurses 11 976 134 141 062 3 967 750 46 734 9 607 309 113 160 8 810 163 103 771 34 361 355 404 727
 Savings from counselling to change behaviour 1 355 873 15 970 449 207 5291 1 087 688 12 811 997 439 11 748 3 890 208 45 821
 Savings from screening for--and assess--CVD risk 3 367 235 39 661 1 115 581 13 140 2 701 212 31 816 2 477 084 29 176 9 661 112 113 794
 Savings from treating CVD risk 7 253 025 85 430 2 402 961 28 303 5 818 410 68 533 5 335 639 62 846 20 810 036 245 112
T2: Savings from training CHWs 1 838 909 21 660 609 239 7176 1 475 181 17 376 1 352 781 15 934 5 276 112 62 145
 Savings from counselling to change behaviour 1 838 909 21 660 609 239 7176 1 475 181 17 376 1 352 781 15 934 5 276 112 62 145
S: Systems for monitoring 3 114 636 36 686 3 114 636 36 686 3 114 636 36 686 3 114 636 36 686 12 458 546 146 744
S1: Human resources 2 969 636 34 978 2 969 636 34 978 2 969 636 34 978 2 969 636 34 978 11 878 546 139 912
S2: Technology 110 000 1296 110 000 1296 110 000 1296 110 000 1296 440 000 5183
S3: Supplies 10 000 118 10 000 118 10 000 118 10 000 118 40 000 471
S4: Training 25 000 294 25 000 294 25 000 294 25 000 294 100 000 1178
Total Programme Cost (H+E+A+R+T+S) 92 778 742 1 092 800 33 395 573 393 352 75 213 609 885 908 69 302 672 816 286 270 690 596 3 188 346

BDT, Bangladesh Taka; CHWs, community health worker; CVD, cardiovascular disease.