(A) Performance of four activity map
decoders, based on the across-subject averaging for pain
tasks, to differentiate pain from six other mental states.
(B) Among the activity map decoders,
within study performance is slightly higher but extensively
overlaps with across study performance. Meta-analytic
estimates of performance for NPS, pPV, and pNsy (color
lines) are within 0.4 standard deviations from the average
performance of both within and across study activity map
decoders. (C-D) Properties of activity map
decoders are examined within and across subjects as a
function of a cognitive task (mr-mr, mr-pl, pl-pl, pl-mr)
(Jimura et al.,
2014b). (C) Decoders (rows) are
built from four cognitive tasks, tested on remaining three
(columns), in a within subject and across subject design.
Within subject performance is always more consistent (i.e.
it has smaller variance) but not necessarily greater than
across subject. For example, the within subject performance
is always superior to across subject when using task 2 as
the decoder. The inverse is true when task 2 is the
comparator, implying strong task dependence.
(D) Decoder performance scales with the
ratio of decodee similarity to decodee-comparator similarity
(based on normalized dot product), for within- and
across-subject comparisons. Because discriminability depends
on this ratio of similarities, they can be viewed as rules
for decoding. Each color in (D) represents a
decodee-comparator pair of tasks 1–4 in
(C); each point is a permuted sample
that has been shrunken towards 0.5; the black line is the
fit of a beta regression (Cribari-Neto & Zeileis, 2010) across
decodee-comparator pairs. In (A) the testing is
a combination of within sample (also within study) for the
case of: Dataset 1 – Dataset 1: Visuomotor, Dataset 2
– Dataset 2: Touch, Dataset 3 – Dataset 3:
Auditory, Dataset 3 – Dataset 3: Visual, Dataset 4
– Dataset 4: Heat, and out-of-sample for all other
combinations. In (C) the results are calculated
using 100 permutations of randomly splitting the subjects in
half, used one half for training and the second for