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. 2022 Jan 20;11(3):e023084. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.121.023084

Table 2.

Participant Characteristics at Baseline by Hypertension Status by 2018, Multi‐Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, 2000 to 2018

Non‐Hispanic Black Hispanic Chinese















N 693 239 454 778 360 418 466 242 224
Age, y 58.4 (9.8) 56.7 59.3 58.0 (9.7) 56.01 59.7 59.4 (9.8) 57.4 61.6
Female 361 (52.1) 50.6 52.9 378 (48.6) 49.4 47.8 231 (49.6) 52.9 46.0
Male 332 (47.9) 49.4 47.1 400 (51.4) 50.6 52.2 235 (50.4) 47.1 54.0
Bachelor’s/graduate degree 272 (39.2) 43.1 37.2 95 (12.2) 13.6 11.0 206 (44.2) 46.3 42.0
Technical school or associate 256 (36.9) 33.9 38.5 213 (27.4) 30.3 24.9 94 (20.2) 22.3 17.9
High school 107 (15.4) 15.1 15.6 160 (20.6) 18.3 22.5 74 (15.9) 12.0 20.1
Less than high school 58 (8.4) 7.9 8.6 310 (39.8) 37.8 41.6 92 (19.7) 19.4 20.1
Health insurance
Insured 641 (92.5) 93.3 92.1 629 (80.8) 76.1 84.9 368 (79.0) 80.6 77.2
Uninsured 52 (7.5) 6.7 7.9 149 (19.2) 23.9 15.1 98 (21.0) 19.4 22.8
Physical activity
None 152 (21.9) 17.6 24.2 239 (30.7) 31.9 29.7 135 (29.0) 30.2 27.7
Intermediate 191 (27.6) 30.5 26.0 234 (30.1) 27.8 32.1 161 (34.5) 36.8 32.1
High 350 (50.5) 51.9 49.8 305 (39.2) 40.3 38.3 170 (36.5) 33.1 40.2
Smoking status
Never 306 (44.2) 41.4 45.6 405 (52.1) 52.5 51.7 355 (76.2) 79.8 72.3
Former 231 (33.3) 33.5 33.3 247 (31.7) 30.6 32.8 85 (18.2) 16.1 20.5
Current 156 (22.5) 25.1 21.1 126 (16.2) 16.9 15.6 26 (5.6) 4.1 7.1
Body mass index
Normal 157 (22.7) 27.2 20.3 145 (18.6) 20.8 16.7 326 (70.0) 75.2 64.3
Overweight 266 (38.4) 41.4 36.8 364 (46.8) 53.1 41.4 126 (27.0) 21.5 33.0
Obesity class I and II 235 (33.9) 29.3 36.3 239 (30.7) 23.9 36.6 14 (3.0) 3.3 2.7
Obesity class III 35 (5.1) 2.1 6.6 30 (3.9) 2.2 5.3 0 (0.0) 0.0 0.0
US states and territories 616 (88.9) 87.9 89.4 336 (43.2) 40.3 45.7 20 (4.3) 5.8 2.7
Other countries 77 (11.1) 12.1 10.6 442 (56.8) 59.7 54.3 446 (95.7) 94.2 97.3
Per capita adjusted income 2.8 (1.9) 2.7 2.8 1.6 (1.5) 1.53 1.64 1.7 (1.6) 1.8 1.6
Neighborhood social environment −0.0 (1.0) 0.1 −0.1 −0.3 (0.9) −0.25 −0.33 0.4 (0.7) 0.5 0.3
Neighborhood physical environment −0.3 (1.1) −0.2 −0.4 −0.1 (0.8) −0.09 −0.16 0.1 (0.8) 0.1 0.1
Resided in segregated neighborhood 387 117 270 505 218 287 363 188 175

Categorical variables displayed by count and percentage in parenthesis (overall) and displayed by percentage (by hypertension status): sex, education, insurance, physical activity, smoking status, body mass index class, and birthplace.

Continuous variables displayed by mean value and SD in parenthesis (overall) and displayed by mean (by hypertension status): age, per capita adjusted income, neighborhood social and physical environment scores.