Genetic crosses reveal that PfARID also regulates fertility of female gametes. (A) WT PfNF54 and Pfarid– gametocytes were fed to A. stephensi mosquitoes, and the number of oocysts per mosquito midgut were enumerated on day 7 postfeed. Data were averaged from three biological replicates with a minimum of 50 mosquito guts and are presented as the mean ± standard deviation (SD). Pfarid– did not infect the mosquito vector. ND, not detected. (B) Oocyst formation of WT PfNF54, Pfarid–, Pfcdpk4–, and Pfmacfet– single parasite line feeds and genetic crosses of Pfarid– × Pfcdpk4–, Pfarid– × Pfmacfet–, and Pfcdpk4– × Pfmacfet–. Genetic crosses revealed that the Pfarid– did not show productive cross-fertilization with the Pfmacfet– parasites (which produce functional males only), and also not with Pfcdpk4– parasites (which produce functional females only). This demonstrates that Pfarid– parasites suffer a functional defect in both genders. Error bar indicates mean ± SD; n = 2. ND, not detected.