FIG 5.
Chemical inhibitors of lipoprotein maturation or trafficking fit the expected profile of OM lipoprotein biogenesis inhibition. (Left) OM permeability was assessed in efflux defective mutants (ΔtolC) by treatment with increasing concentrations of vancomycin and compound 2 (top), globomycin (middle), or MAC13243 (bottom). Data are from three independent experiments. Averaged density (A600nm) values of antibiotic-treated cultures relative to mock-treated control (set as 1.0) are shown. (Right) Culture density (A600nm; top) and fluorescence were used to calculate fluorescence per cell (bottom) in ΔtolC strains with native nlpE or with a chromosomal deletion of nlpE (nlpE::spec). Cells were treated after 100 min (arrow), with DMSO (black), MAC13243 (orange), A22 (red), globomycin (blue), or compound 2 (purple). Data are average ± SD; n = 3.