FIG 1.
Postmenopausal gut microbiome is less diverse and more similar to that of men than the premenopausal gut microbiome is to that of men. (a) Overview of study groups, comparisons of interest, and hypotheses. Thickness of black arrows indicates hypothesized relative magnitude of group difference. (b) Least-squares means of the Shannon diversity index in premenopausal (n = 295) and postmenopausal women (n = 1,027) and younger (n = 258) and older men (n = 720). Estimates are from multivariable linear regression, adjusting for age, Hispanic/Latino background, U.S. nativity, AHEI2010, field center, hormonal contraceptive use, antibiotics use in last 6 months, Bristol stool scale, cigarette use, alcohol use, education, income, physical activity, and BMI. (c) Principal coordinate analysis of the Jensen-Shannon divergence. Sample points are colored by study group, and 75% data ellipses are overlaid on the plot. (d) R-squared values from PERMANOVA of the Jensen-Shannon divergence. Group comparisons were obtained using dummy variables and adjusted for the same covariates as in panel b.