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. 2022 Jun 14;12:921854. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.921854

Table 1.

Characteristics and main outcomes of selected randomized clinical trials in patients with ALK-translocated lung cancer.

Name of the trial First author and year of publication Treatment in the control arm: drug/dose (n of pts) Treatment in the experimental arm: drug/dose (n of pts) Median follow-up time in the control arm Median follow-up time in the experimental arm Primary endpoint PFS control vs experimental arm PFS: HR (95% CI) and p value (experimental vs control) OS: HR (95% CI) and p value (experimental vs control)
ALEX (19) Peters et al., 2017 crizotinib 250 mg BID
alectinib 600 mg BID
17.6 months 18.6 months PFS (IA) 1y PFS rate; 48.7%
(95% CI: 40.4-56.9%)
1y PFS rate: 68.4% (95% CI: 61-75.9%) 0.47 (95% CI: 0.34-0.65). p<0.001 0.76 (95% CI: 0.48-1.2). p=0.24
J-ALEX (20) Hida et al., 2017 crizotinib 250 mg BID
alectinib 300 mg BID
12.2 months 12 months PFS (IRF) Median: 10.2 months (range: 8.2-12.0) Median: NE (range: 20.3 months-NE) 0.34 (95% CI: 0.17-0.71). p<0.0001 NA
ALTA-1L (21) Camidge et al., 2020 crizotinib 250 mg BID
brigatinib 180 mg QD (with 7-day lead-in at 90 mg QD)
NA 24.9 months PFS (BIRC) Median: 11.0 months (range: 9.2-12.9) Median: 24.0 months (range: 18.5-NR) 0.49 (95% CI: 0.35-0.68). p=0.0001 0.92 (95% CI: 0.57-1.47). p=0.771
ASCEND-4 (8) Soria et al., 2017 platinum-based CT: cisplatin 75 mg/m2 or carboplatin AUC 5-6 + pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 q3w for 4 cycles followed by pemetrexed maintenance
ceritinib 750 mg QD
NA NA PFS (BIRC) Median: 8.1 months (range: 5.8-11.1) Median: 16.6 months (range: 12.6-27.2) 0.55 (95% CI: 0.42-0.73). p<0.00001 0.73 (95% CI: 0.5-1.08). p=0.056
ALESIA (22) Zhou et al., 2019 crizotinib 250 mg BID
alectinib 600 mg BID
15 months 16.2 months PFS (IA) Median: 11.1 months (range: 9.1-13.0) Median: NE (range: 9,1 months-NE) 0.22 (95% CI: 0.13-0.38). p<0.0001 0.28 (95% CI: 0.12-0.68). p=0.0027
eXalt3 (23) Horn et al., 2021 crizotinib 250 mg BID
ensartinib 225 mg QD
20.2 months 23.8 months PFS (BIRC) Median: 12.7 months (range: 0.03-38.6) Median: 25.8 months (range: 0.03-44.0) 0.51 (95% CI: 0.35-0.72). p<0.001 0.91 (95% CI: 0.54-1.54). p=0.73
CROWN (24) Shaw et al., 2020 crizotinib 250 mg BID
lorlatinib 100 mg QD
14.8 months 18.3 months PFS (BIRC) 1y PFS rate; 39%
(95% CI: 30-48%)
1y PFS rate: 78% (95% CI: 70-84%) 0.28 (95% CI: 0.19-0.41). p<0.001 0.72 (95% CI: 0.41-1.25). p= NA

BID, bis in die; BIRC, blinded independent review committee; CI, confidence interval; IA, investigator assessed; IRF, assessed by independent review facility; NA, not available; NE, not estimable; NR, not reached; OS, overall survival; PFS, progression free survival; QD, quaque die.

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