Figure 3. First MD simulation of primed complexes bridging a vesicle and a flat bilayer.
(A) Overall view of the initial system after equilibration. (B) Close-up view of the four primed complexes in the initial system after equilibration. (C) Snapshot of the system after a 336 ns MD simulation. (D–K) Close-up views of the individual primed complexes (named PC1-PC4) in the initial configuration (D,F,H,J) and after the 336 ns MD simulation (E,G,I,K). In all panels, the primed complexes are illustrated by ribbon diagrams, with the SNAREs in salmon, Cpx1(27-72) in yellow and the Syt1 C2AB fragment in cyan (C2A domain) and violet (C2B domain). The lipids are shown as thin stick models (carbon lime, oxygen red, nitrogen blue, phosphorous orange).