Fig. 2. Vaccine efficacy and protective effects of O PA2-C3d and A22-C3d in mice.
C57BL/6 mice (n = 5/group) were administered the test vaccine at 1/10, 1/40, 1/160, 1/640 doses of O PA2 or O PA2-C3d or A22 or A22-C3d antigen for cattle or pig use, ISA 206 (oil-based emulsion, 50%, w/w), 10% Al(OH)3, and 15 µg Quil-A. A negative control (NC) group was injected with the same volume of PBS. The test vaccines were injected intramuscularly into mice that were later challenged with FMDV type O (100 LD50 O/VET/2013) or FMDV type A (100 LD50 A/Malay/97) at 7 dpv. The survival rates and body weights were monitored for 7 dpc. (a–i) Experimental strategy (a); survival rates post-challenge with O/VET/2013 (b, d) or A/Malay/97 (f, h); changes in body weight post-challenge with O/VET/2013 (c, e) or A/Malay/97 (g, i). The data represent the mean ± SEM of triplicate measurements (n = 5/group).