Fig. 2. SMR and XMLD results of antiferromagnetic junctions.
a, b Magnetic field dependent SMR curves in control samples Fe2O3/Pt (a) and Cr2O3/Fe2O3/Pt (b) at 300 K. ΔRSMR denotes the difference between resistance and the minimum one. Inserts are experimental set-up. c HAADF-STEM image of the Fe2O3/Cr2O3/Fe2O3 junction. d SMR signals of Fe2O3/Cr2O3/Fe2O3/Pt samples at 300 K. e Simulated SMR curve of Fe2O3/Cr2O3/Fe2O3/Pt samples at 300 K. Inserts are diagram of magnetic configurations at typical magnetic fields. f–h Normalized XAS and XMLD spectra of Fe2O3/Cr2O3/Fe2O3 (f), Cr2O3/Fe2O3 (g) and Fe2O3 (h) samples. The XMLD spectra were taken from the differences of XAS spectra (XAS⊥–XAS//) and then multiply by a factor of 5 at the absorption edges for clarity. The highlighted region denotes Fe-L2 edge and the vertical dotted lines are guidance for eyes to mark the valleys and peaks in XMLD curves.