Figure 5.
Constructing functional beta cell networks from different types of Ca2+ signals. (A) Raw average Ca2+ signal of a representative islet (gray line) with extracted slow (yellow line) and fast (blue line) signal components. (B) Raster plots showing the activity of the slow (left, yellow dots) and fast (right, blue dots) Ca2+ signals of all cells in the islet. (C) Correlation-based functional networks constructed from unprocessed (left), slow- (middle) and fast (right) Ca2+ signals. Networks were constructed with a fixed average network node degree k avg = 8.3. The following parameters for each functional network are provided: average correlation coefficient (R avg), average clustering coefficient (C avg), global efficiency (E glob), largest connected component (S max), small-world coefficient (SW), average physical length of functional connections (D avg) and the number of communities (N com).