Figure 3.
Social influence in prosociality decreases during adolescence. (a,b) Experimental task measuring prosocial behaviour with an adapted version of the dictator game. (a) Participants had to distribute 10 points between themselves and another participant. First, participants make this distribution decision alone. (b) Then, participants were matched with another participant, and made a second distribution decision upon observing how another (third) previous participant divided their 10 points. (c,d) Proportions of participants of adjusting donations toward social information as a function of age. (c) Adjustments when observing a peer who donated nothing (selfish example). (d) Adjustments when observing a peer who donated half their endowment (fair example). Lines show regression predictions, with standard errors in shades (see 'Methods'). For numbers of observations per data point, table 1. (Online version in colour.)